After making sure I had latest updates (180515-2, 18.4.3895.325) tried to create rescue USB, but when I clicked on square for creating rescue USB the Avast UI froze. I waited about three minutes with no change then rebooted.
This may be better than having the media fail at the restore end but, it’s certainly not acceptable.
I’m again reporting this to the developers.
The strange thing is that the USB contains lot’s of files:
@bob3160, were you able to actually boot the drive it created?
Although the USB drives shows all the files, I found that when I tried to boot it, the drive did not show up on my boot menu as it should so it seems the drive is not created correctly.
Prior to this update (.325) I was able to create a full working Rescue Disk, and now all that happens is the USB drive is formatted and left empty. No content whatsoever.
Earlier Rescue Disk versions created the USB drive with content in it, but would fail to start the actual program. USB drive would boot just fine, but would crash later on.
(Not everyone backs up their systems in case of disaster.)
As you can see, it works. The problem is that Rescue Disc function doesn’t give you
any indication as to its progress.
If you don’t wait long enough, its possible that you’ll wind up with a corrupted USB or
CD. If you’ve got a 1/2 hr to spare, that should be enough time for it to finish the process.
At that point, simply click on the X in the upper right corner, and safely remove the rescue media.
Or, wait for Avast to fix the problem with the User Interface.
I’m also sending this information to the developers.