HI today I read on one of the social groups about a destructive Virus that will be making the rounds on the internet in the coming days. I just thought I should alert Avast of this just in case they have not read this important computer Alert here are the details of the virus Alert below:
ATTENTION!!!IMPORTANT!!! RED ALERT for YOUR COMPUTER circulate this notice to your friends, family and contacts! In the coming days, warning: do not open any message with an attachment called Archive (Windows live) regardless of who sends you. This is a virus that burns the entire hard disk. This virus comes from a known person you have in your mailing list, which is why you should send this message to all your contacts. If you receive a message called: updating Windows live, even if it is sent by a friend, do not open the computer and stops immediately. This is the worst virus announced by CNN. It has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever existed. The virus was discovered yesterday afternoon by McAfee. and there is no chance of repair for this type of virus. simply destroys Sector Zero of the hard disk. Just copy and paste…got this from a friend
I just thought I should let Avast now about this just in case they have not read this yet. I just thought I should be a good computer user and do my part to protect everyone who uses avast such as myself.
In all honesty, stop reading this cr4p on social networks, etc. etc.
Ignore anything that they say to circulate to your friends, this frenzy of emails would cause more hassle than anything else. Say you send it to 10 friends and they send it to 10 and their friends send it to 10 and their friends send it to 10 and before you know it you will be getting multiple emails from the email carpet bombing to tell you what you told your friends.
Even if legit (which it isn’t), you have to trust in your protection or you might as well give up on the internet and computer in general. The web shield and network shield provide excellent pro-active protection against internet based infection/exploit.
Thanks everyone for your opinions I appreciate it sorry for wasting your time. Next time I will do a better job by researching the important stuff first.
Thanks again everyone.