[SOLVED] FF4 (final) WebRep Symbols missing on Win 7 Pro x64 (German)

The WebRep Symbols (not the AddOn icon - thats working) e.g. in the Google result-lists are missing in FF4 (final).
They are present and working in IE8.

Is it just my system or what is the cure to this?

Win 7 Pro 64bit (SP 1), German Version.

I can corfim that in the Google result-lists symbols are missing in FF4.
But they are present and working in IE8 and IE9.
Win7 32 Avast 6.0.1035

They were if I remember rightly they were missing when I did a google search earlier today on firefox 3.6.15, avast 6.0.1035 and XP Pro SP3.

Edit: Just checked on my win7 netbook with firefox 3.6.15 and 6.0.1035 and no webrep icon in the google results.

Thx for your responses.
So it seems it’s not a 64 bit issue and not a Firefox 4 issue either.

Happens with FF 3.6 and FF 4 with Avast 6.0.1035.

Any official remarks / answers to this from Avast Devs are highly appreciated. :wink:

thanks for reporting this, seems to be a Firefox 3.x bug related to reading of the localization files. For whatever reason Firefox ignores the string on the 1st line and proceeds to load strings from the 2ns line onwards. Up to now we were not using the string on the 1st line but started to do so recently. This lead to the extension malfunction. We shall insert a dummy entry on the 1st line - this fixes the issue. Firefox 4 users are not affected by this bug.

I am a Firefox 4 User, and I am affected.

I have the same bug in firefox 4 final.

Certainly is effecting this firefox 4.0 final edition, avast 6.0.1035 user also.

Ok, anyway let’s wait for the next program update and report back whether if it has not been resolved.

what’s the problem ??? ;D

Had no problem with Firefox 3.6.15 and now Firefox 4.0 with the WebRep icons in Google search results. I don’t use Yahoo search but just tried it and the WebRep icons are missing in Yahoo search.

This on WinXP Pro SP3 with Avast Free 6.0.1035 Beta.

Edit: Just realized that Yahoo search results page requires JavaScript enabled for the page to see the WebRep icon on the urls, while Google search doesn’t.

However, both results pages require JavaScript enabled for the WebRep pop-up on hover.

Inserting a dummy line in the file wrc.properties resolved the problems here.
Go to [b](avast program folder)\webrep\ff\locale\de-DE[/b] and edit the file wrc.properties and add the following line in the beginning:

Note: If you use a different locale then you need to edit the file in the appropriate directory (ie. locale\en-US\ etc.)

That worked in the en-gb local also, I don’t know if you did, but I disabled avast self-defence first before editing the wrc.properties. You also have to restart firefox for the change to take effect.

Yes, you’re right. I thought that to be taken for granted. ;D

I also had to start the editor as Admin via right-click in order to be able to save the file in the folder.

I know, but you would be surprised how many wouldn’t have even considered it until it failed and they posted about it, which is why I mentioned it ;D

That’s one that I would usually forget to mention, using XP Pro on my main system I’m not troubled with that major pain in the rear, UAC.

The UAC is not that bad in Win 7. I can’t compare to Vista, because I skipped that, but it’s not as annoying as I had thought beforehand. As a matter of fact, I like it.

I shudder to think what it was like in Vista if you think it isn’t that bad in win7. On my netbook with win7 and UAC set on the lowest level I think it is the devils spawn.

I frequently wanted to know just whose computer it was mine or UAC. I absolutely hated its total lack of configurability as it constantly block the same application time after time after time.

In the end I gave up and completely disabled it, a right pain in the rear.

Confirmed resolved in 6.0.1044 on my XP Pro ff 4.0 and on my win7 netbook ff 3.6.1016 system.

For me i can conrfim that the icon present in google search, but it is grey and after a refresh in page it take colour.
P.S. I have reply for it in the new sticky for avast 6.0.1044 with more details.
Thnx for ur time.

Grey has nothing to do with the avast update, that is the back-end servers supporting the webrep function not being available, etc.