solved: I made a mistake and installed some toolbars help please

HI avast I yesterday downloaded a web browser google chrome to my Windows 7 computer and I made a mistake and put some extra toolbars on the desktop not realizing they had nothing to do with downloading good Chrome. So yesterday I did a scan with adwcleaner lasted version on Windows 7 and it found alll kinds of things like search dial. I rain a malwarebytes scan and it to found these toolbars on Windows 7 as well. I did a full scan with malwarebytes free. here are the logs also for otl full scan as well. Adwcleaner did not find anything.

I also want to now if these toolbars are gone and if their is anything I should do to Windows 7 if their is any malware on this computer as well please

some info that be helpful:
Windows 7 home premium Sp 1
Avast free 9.0.3008

Thanks avast

Did Malwarebytes try to clean those off your system?


I’ve asked someone to help. Can you remove the stuff found w/ MABM

C:\AdwCleaner\Quarantine\C\Program Files\Mysearchdial\\mysearchdialApp.dll.vir (PUP.Optional.MySearchDial.A) -> No action taken. C:\AdwCleaner\Quarantine\C\Program Files\Mysearchdial\\mysearchdialEng.dll.vir (PUP.Optional.MySearchDial.A) -> No action taken. C:\AdwCleaner\Quarantine\C\Program Files\Mysearchdial\\mysearchdialsrv.exe.vir (PUP.Optional.MySearchDial.A) -> No action taken. C:\AdwCleaner\Quarantine\C\Program Files\Mysearchdial\\mysearchdialTlbr.dll.vir (PUP.Optional.MySearchDial.A) -> No action taken. C:\AdwCleaner\Quarantine\C\Program Files\Mysearchdial\\bh\mysearchdial.dll.vir (PUP.Optional.MySearchDial.A) -> No action taken. C:\_OTL\MovedFiles\10042013_154618\C_Program Files\Conduit\Community Alerts\Alert.dll (PUP.Optional.Conduit) -> No action taken. C:\Users\Gary\AppData\Local\Temp\ICReinstall_Chrome.exe (PUP.Optional.InstallCore.A) -> No action taken. [u][i][b]C:\Users\Gary\Downloads\Chrome.exe (PUP.Optional.InstallCore.A) -> No action taken.[/b][/i][/u] [u][b]ALERT, FAKE CHROME[/b][/u]

Okay, you’re officially getting on my nerves now. And I’ve heard things. I suggest you refrain from posting 10,000,000 posts per day. I would also like to point out. Unless you have real training at a school like geekU you do not give malware advice.


Seriously, I don’t know who you are…and you don’t know me.

I’m not sure what kind of training you have (geekU?), but after graduating with a degree, I’ve been in the IT field doing development and support for a LONG time.

If you have an issue with something, contact a moderator or an admimistrator.

Do unblock your Private Messages so we can discuss this w/o spamming Diddy. And I already have.

HI yes malwarebytes free did find some stuff but I was worried about letting it clean the stuff just in case something went wrong I want to make sure it is ok to delete these files that malwarebytes found. That is why I would like some advice please from a malware expert would be nice please.


Nothing to discuss with you…move on.

@Diddy your Malwarebytes log say NO ACTION TAKEN

whats is detected is some browser crap, make sure Malwarebytes is updated, run quick scan …then make sure whats detected is marked for removal and click remove selected button

I’ve notified them to come help you.

In the mean time, you are good to remove anything found by MBAM. Nothing in system32 or anything.

this seems to be from a old OTL cleaning … something Essexboy have done? …and you have not removed the OTL program after use?

C:\_OTL\[b]MovedFiles[/b]\10042013_154618\C_Program Files\Conduit\Community Alerts\Alert.dll (PUP.Optional.Conduit) -> No action taken

this folder should be gone if you run OTL and click the clean up button … it removes OTL and that folder should be gone

That’s fine.

Malwarbytes is an excellent malware removal program with a stellar reputation.

I recommend it to clients, and it has never failed me.

The PUP entries you are seeing are called “Potentially Unwanted Programs”. An explanation of what that means can be found on Malwarebytes, and other security websites.

thanks very much every one your replies so fast. Thanks for the help and advice.


This Malwarebytes resource page has a lot of excellent information you might find helpful in the future…

Best of luck.