[SOLVED] Small Business Console ver.1.0.888.14 - setup Site Blocking

Hi Jx and Ondrej,

We on progress testing your new SBC version and deploy to the some users in our LAN, after we successful installed some PC users, then we have some issues which’s required to know :

  1. We can’t find how to defined the policy based on computer catalog requirement on SBC, since ADNM have this feature to defined a different rules for each computer catalog so the administrator would more be easy to set according to the user need.
    In e.g : For each different computer catalog such as Accounting group, the administrator can set to block some website on Site Blocking module. But now we can’t see it on your SBC, and this problem also raised by one user on : http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=81976.0

Which’s he have an issues to set auto-sandbox manually through SBC, but according to jx confirmation that SBC no longer support to set it based on personal requirement but only can set to turn it on or off.

  1. During we are using SBC, sometimes we got error notification such as :
[HttpWebRequest_WebException_RemoteServer] Arguments: NotFound Debugging resource strings are unavailable. Often the key and arguments provide sufficient information to diagnose the problem. See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=106663&Version=4.0.60531.0&File=System.Windows.dll&Key=HttpWebRequest_WebException_RemoteServer

at System.ServiceModel.AsyncResult.End[TAsyncResult](IAsyncResult result)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.EndCall(String action, Object outs, IAsyncResult result)
at System.ServiceModel.ClientBase1.ChannelBase1.EndInvoke(String methodName, Object args, IAsyncResult result)
at Avast.Net.Console.SbcServiceConnectionPoint.SbcConnectionPointServerClient.SbcConnectionPointServerClientChannel.EndSchedulerGetJobById(IAsyncResult result)
at Avast.Net.Console.SbcServiceConnectionPoint.SbcConnectionPointServerClient.Avast.Net.Console.SbcServiceConnectionPoint.ISbcConnectionPointServer.EndSchedulerGetJobById(IAsyncResult result)
at Avast.Net.Console.SbcServiceConnectionPoint.SbcConnectionPointServerClient.OnEndSchedulerGetJobById(IAsyncResult result)
at System.ServiceModel.ClientBase`1.OnAsyncCallCompleted(IAsyncResult result)

Please kindly advice for those issues.


Dear All,

Ok, finally we successfully found how to set URL blocking with SBC.

  1. SBC >> Network >> Group View >> Choose the group that administrator would like to set a different policies (click Edit Group Settings)
  2. Go to Expert Settings and clicked >> Then you can choose avastcfg://WebShield//WebScanner/BlockedURLs (define the site that administrator would like to blocked and use semicolon as separator
  3. To enabled Site Blocking please go to avastcfg://WebShield//WebScanner/URLBlocking and set the value become “1”

After that you may see your each clients on the group that you changes the policies that Site Blocking configuration has been changed.

Site Blocking can run smoothly.


We found avast! Business Protection clients are ignoring URL site blockings when deployed by the SBC. Here’s how I solved this issue!

Thanks to this post by Yanto.Chiang:


"Dear All, Ok, finally we successfully found how to set URL blocking with SBC.

  1. SBC >> Network >> Group View >> Choose the group that administrator would like to set a different policies (click Edit Group Settings)
  2. Go to Expert Settings and clicked >> Then you can choose avastcfg://WebShield//WebScanner/BlockedURLs (define the site that administrator would like to blocked and use semicolon as separator
  3. To enabled Site Blocking please go to avastcfg://WebShield//WebScanner/URLBlocking and set the value become “1”

After that you may see your each clients on the group that you changes the policies that Site Blocking configuration has been changed. Site Blocking can run smoothly."

This post from avast! tech support:

You can add a list of URLs you want to block from the Console this way:

  • Open the Console → NETWORK → Edit Group settings → Expert Settings → Click the button “I will take the risk, show expert settings”

→ look for the line “avastcfg://WebShield/WebSacnner/URLBlocking” →
→ change the value to 1 look for the line “avastcfg://WebShield/WebScanner/BlockedURLs” → in the Value field, add the list this way:

Url1;Url2;Url3;so on…
Please not that the URL should contain “http://” "

I decipher this to mean:


however, when pushed to the client, does not match the required client settings, which are “facebook.com” This DOES not work at all!

So I tried this: “myspace.com;facebook.com;youtube.com” to match what avast! stand alone settings. This works intermittantly, or not at all. Seams to change depending upon number of entries. This has got to be a BUG!

So, http://www.facebook.com* works in a stand alone avast! So I tried this:

http://www.myspace.com*;http://www.facebook.com*;http://www.youtube.com*” THIS WORKS!

NOTE: Webshield must be STOPPED and STARTED at client to guaranteed that you are using these new setting!

J.R. Guthrie

Am I missing anything here?

Webshield did not have to be restarted on Windows 7 systems, but was required on XP systems.


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