My avast firewall won’t start. I’m using Avast Internet Security 2014.9.0.2008. I’ve tried a repair install multiple times, i’ve re-installed (using avastclear.exe to remove the previous files) and nothing has helped :(.
I’m running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit service pack 1.
I have tried disabling the windows firewall and nothing appears to be helping.
Initially i was using Free avast which i upgraded, but ended up reinstalling numerous times to try and sort this firewall issue.
Ive only ever used Avast, so yes.
I haven’t tried the latest beta version, maybe i should give that a shot xD.
Thanks for the fast response, i appropriate it.
Should i completely remove my current install and try the beta?
I found in safe mode that i couldn’t use avastclear.exe as there was no install folder after running the uninstaller from ‘Uninstall a program’ in control panel.
Avast says ‘Attentions Firewall is off: Turn on’. When i turn it on i get told ‘Unable to start firewall’. Ive tried turning the windows firewall on and off with no progress.
I don’t see anything in device manager relating to avast. There nothing with an error (yellow exclamation). I gather this would be under Network adapters, of which i have nothing regarding avast.
Okay, so I did that and found that there was no ‘Plug and Play’ category. However there was a ‘Non-Plug and play drivers’ category which had a few avast related devices in their. Under network adapters there was nothing avast related. Nothing in device manager has problems with the drivers (exclamation mark).