SOLVED: Using remote assistance cannot type in data fields in the assisted envir

Having an issue doing remote assistance. Wondering if it is by design or if it is a bug?

When I connect on to a system to be assisted (Win7 or XP produces same results) I have full control over the assisted PC but I cannot type in any data on the assisted system remotely. Is this normal or a bug?






This is definitely not “normal”. What OS was the helper, what OS was the helpee?


As I mentioned the helpee was tested with a win7 64 bits system and also a laptop with XP 32 bits and my systems (the helper) has win7 64 bits as per my signature.

Not sure if it matters but the helper system has a wireless keyboard (Microsoft laser keyboard 7000 with wireless mouse also)?

Another thing is this was first discovered when I tried to register the helpee in the Avast account box where I have to input the email address and password. Also happen using Windows messenger on helpee system trying to type login email address and password.




Tried again this pm and now the keyboard works perfectly!!!

Don`t know what changed but it works now.



I am having the same problem, sometimes it works for a few minutes then stops. It fails across three different new machines, all running windows 7 pro 64, all using latest avast. The only thing that the failing machines have in common is they are connected via a BT HomeHub3. Is this a coincidence??

Cheers for any help
