Dear avast-community,
I have an issue regarding the automatic vps update with one of our customers. All clients are communicating with the ADNM as it should be, but some of them don’t update their VPS.
When I push the update via updating task I receive the error 0x20000004 with this clients. Also in the warning.log on client-side I got the line
“Function setifaceUpdatePackages() has failed. Return code is 0x20000004, dwRes is 20000004.”
several times a day.
I already found out that “0x20000004” means “server unreachable”. But how can that be when the clients are communicating with the ADNM?
When I update the VPS manually at one of these a client-pcs they’re downloading the latest version.
The strangest thing for me is that half of the pcs are working perfectly and some of them don’t update, although they’re all in the same domain with no great differences in their configurations.
I also deactivated the windows firewall, but nothing changed after that. The devices where it’s working correctly have also their firewall activated.
Any ideas how what we can do to have all VPS up to date?
Best regards