Some firefox addons/extensions and avast sandbox (revisited)

Trying to bring back an old problem unsolved: some Firefox extensions does not work into avast sandbox.
For instance: Lazarus (
Also the synchronization feature of Firefox does not work.

Just want to ask to any of you that if you have some Firefox addon trouble with avast sandbox, please report :slight_smile:

C’mon… Anybody? Bump!


Hi Tech, I’ve already saved your forum thread to check (or fix) this problem to avast7.
Thanks for info.

Thanks… but I can’t hide I’m a little disappointed… Should we wait for avast7? :o :o

As for sandbox/safezone components then yes - I’ve already rewritten portion of code which is not compatible with avast6 framework.

Give us some hope :slight_smile:
What about the beta scheduling then? ;D