Some general feedback for Avast

Back in Avast 7 the left buttons were more than now, not only 2. Move some of the most important ones to the left. Maybe the Quarantine and an Update one. Every other AV has such buttons easily accessible not only from the tray menu but also from the main GUI. Software updater is called Software Defender in the settings - full nonsense. The font needs to be more polished but i guess you are working on it. The initial start interface doesn’t seem to have so many modules, don’t know why it doesn’t load faster. Make the on demand scan settings and scheduling buttons more visible. The different questions in the help menu won’t expand and close right after opening.

What exactly this Pi button is doing? Moving that router ball around seems funny, but not sure if it’s meant to be here.

ANd what about these strange parts of something below:

The File Shield settings panel is too tall and the OK and cancel buttons are not clickable unless hiding the taskbar.

If smart scan has found issues clicking on the details button starts a new scan instead of showing the details.

The number of the notifications stays the same (2 for now) even after clearing and restarting the GUI.