Someone, unknown name/emailadrs., aside me in my IS 2015..!

I bought avast IS 2015.
My name is in the buyers list of things,
but also some name i do not know, and who has used cleanup voor months now!!
So: 1 buyer, me, and a piggy back rider? see attachment screencapture !!!

Hi all4all, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

This is really strange …

First login on , choose in the right upper corner your email address and than “Manage Emails”.
If that unknown email address is listed there as well, I suggest you delete it.
And under “Change Password” you change the password of your Avast account.

Than submit a Ticket here with your client information and a link to this topic.
Also post the Ticket ID in your next reply.

I will put this forward as well :slight_smile:

Greetz, Red.

Hi all4all!

This is a really strange case. There are only two options why you see those two emails on your Subscription window. First, you activated it using Mr Riedler’s activation code. Second, Mr Riedler’s account was already active on this computer before you bought Avast Internet Security. Is this a new computer or a second hand one?

@all4all - this is really interesting situation! Please upload support package for us to investigate, just run the , it will generate and upload the package for analyzes. Let us know your “package name” to help us to find it on ftp servers :wink:

You don’t have to worry. Current state means that you are using CleanUp license of Mr. Hermann :wink: Lets find why and we can fix it later! There is no connection between you an Mr. Hermann, you are just using the same license. There is no security issue for you.

Hello? looks like BIG bug or even hacked avast servers, that this is even possible!?
Oops, there where replye’s, but i have not seen these before i replied to my own post…
Wil read, wil do… (the tips)

Nope. 1 email adress, and that is my own. Pfweeew.

Than submit a Ticket here with your client information and a link to this topic. Also post the Ticket ID in your next reply. I will put this forward as well :)
client information? windows version/hardware it runs on? or what numbers etc in avast, avast bought-product-emails...?

No, I meant the email address you bought your license with, and your customer number.

Greetz, Red.

Ok, email adres, i know, but where do i find customer number?
EMails (concerning buying) do not have it or i read over it?
Avast is like the palm of your hand, but for me, new! MANY sub sub menu’s in avast when i start the gui…

Just follow the instructions from Lukas.
He is from avast.

Your own screenshot : Klantnummer.

But most important is to answer the questions - and follow the directions from the two Avast employees moroni and lukas.hasik.

I was not 100% sure your Avast account was not compromised, and followed a standard procedure.
But of course they can help you better :slight_smile:

Greetz, Red.

@all4all Please don’t send a ticket :frowning:

We already asked you some details, please let’s keep working on it here for now. If a ticket is needed I will create one for you later :wink:

Ok, a bit weird (since this looks pretty unique)
I have to put my client number here on the forum then?
And what about the allready used days in cleanup bij mr/ms riedler ?

copy filename to clipboard :

No, there is no need to put your customer number.
And note that since you only bought an Avast Internet Security license and not an Avast CleanUp license, so far it seems that you are using Mr Riedler’s subscription, and not the other way round.
We will investigate it further using the support package you sent to us :wink: