Something strange on Internet Mail provider...

I have checked for both pop and smtp clean notes in both Internet Mail provider and MS Outlook pluggin.
In Thunderbird and MS Outlook pluggin I have the clean notes added at the bottom of the messages and the X-Antivirus headers in the messages.
In OE I do not receive any of them… Stange, they’re there for Thunderbird ::slight_smile: ???
I’m quite sure avast! is not scanning the OE email and only the other ones…
I’ve noticed this when I receive iPush email that does not start the update process :frowning:
Any suggestion? What’s going on? :-\ :cry:

Hi Technical

In OE I do not receive any of them
exactly the same for one of my customer...still looking concerning Avast! setup... ???

Well avast is scanning and adding the clean notes at the bottom of any mail I send (just sent one to myself to test), using OE.

I have no other local cache spam filter, etc. Haveyou made any changes to the Port numbers to cater for a local proxy.

Thanks Niko.
I still cannot manage it and I can’t stand without email protection.
Vojtech, could you help me?
If I send mail log to you, will it help?

Does something appear in the log when you send/receive with OE ?

05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: Started as service, Log = 20(0x00000014)
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: Build 4.6.652
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: Using WinSock 2.0
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: PID = 180(0x000000B4)
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: Pass through settings changed 0(0x00000000)
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: Trust settings changed
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: MaxConnections settings changed 50(0x00000032)
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: AutoRedirect settings changed 1(0x00000001)
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: IgnoreAddress set
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: IgnoreProcess set
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: IgnoreProcess set avast.setup,winroute.exe,ccEvtMgr.exe,ccProxy.exe,ccApp.exe,ccPwdSvc.exe,ccSetMgr.exe,ccLgView.exe,SMPROXY.EXE,isafe.exe,TMPROXY.EXE,EMULE.EXE,WEBPROXY.EXE,NAVAPW32.EXE,SYMPROXYSVC.EXE,NETMONSV.EXE,CRAXY.EXE,CZDCPlusPlus.exe,ABC.EXE,mpftray.exe,bitcomet.exe,V3P3AT.EXE
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: POP Start settings changed: 1
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: POP Default server settings changed: pop.110
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: POP Listen settings changed: 110
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: POP Listening daemon starting
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: POP Listen handler: 0x00000EAC
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: POP RedirectPort: 110,11110,120
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: Redirect set 110,11110,120->
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: POP Listening daemon started
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: SMTP Start settings changed: 1
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: SMTP Default server settings changed: smtp. 25
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: SMTP Listen settings changed: 25
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: SMTP Listening daemon starting
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: SMTP Listen handler: 0x00000D28
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: SMTP RedirectPort: 25,11025
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: Redirect set 25,11025->
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: SMTP Listening daemon started
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: IMAP Start settings changed: 1
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: IMAP Listen settings changed: 143
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: IMAP Listening daemon starting
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: IMAP Listen handler: 0x000008B0
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: IMAP RedirectPort: 143
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: Redirect set 143->
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: IMAP Listening daemon started
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: NNTP Start settings changed: 1
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: NNTP Listen settings changed: 119
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: NNTP Listening daemon starting
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: NNTP Listen handler: 0x000008B4
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: NNTP RedirectPort: 119
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: Redirect set 119->
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: NNTP Listening daemon started
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: Ignored PIDs: 180 1448
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: Ignored Addresses:
05/10/05 08:57:23 000003A4: Ignored Processes: mailwasher.exe spamihilator.ex msimn.exe forx.exe FXMadeEasy.exe aoltpspd.exe waol.exe V3P3AT.EXE bitcomet.exe mpftray.exe ABC.EXE CZDCPlusPlus.ex CRAXY.EXE NETMONSV.EXE SYMPROXYSVC.EXE NAVAPW32.EXE WEBPROXY.EXE EMULE.EXE TMPROXY.EXE isafe.exe SMPROXY.EXE ccLgView.exe ccSetMgr.exe ccPwdSvc.exe ccApp.exe ccProxy.exe ccEvtMgr.exe winroute.exe avast.setup

Isn’t this strange?
For sure, I did not add this list of ‘ignored processes’ ???

technical, do you have some ignored processes in the avast4.ini file? If not, try to restart the PC, ignored processes are only added, never removed. Perhaps they are left there from them past.

In your “Ignored” list I can see msimn.exe, that is definitely the reason why Outlook Express mails are not scanned.


As I posted, for sure, they are not there!
I’m seeing the file avast4.ini file, for sure, the line is empty!!!
I’ll even try to delete the line to see… ::slight_smile:

Again… OE does not scan the emails…
Thunderbirds scans them ::slight_smile:

avast! Free Antivirus ( Outbound clean 0519-1, 10/05/2005.
avast! Free Antivirus ( Inbound clean 0519-1, 10/05/2005.

And the X-Antivirus lines are present into the headers…
This is driving me crazy :frowning:

Lukas, it’s weird: my avast4.ini file is clean…

What is this?

05/10/05 23:29:35 00000E38: Ignored Addresses:

05/10/05 23:29:35 00000E38: Ignored Processes: mailwasher.exe spamihilator.ex msimn.exe forx.exe FXMadeEasy.exe aoltpspd.exe waol.exe V3P3AT.EXE bitcomet.exe mpftray.exe ABC.EXE CZDCPlusPlus.ex CRAXY.EXE NETMONSV.EXE SYMPROXYSVC.EXE NAVAPW32.EXE WEBPROXY.EXE EMULE.EXE TMPROXY.EXE isafe.exe SMPROXY.EXE ccLgView.exe ccSetMgr.exe ccPwdSvc.exe ccApp.exe ccProxy.exe ccEvtMgr.exe winroute.exe avast.setup

For sure this is strange… I never used the programs above (for instance, NAVAPW32.EXE or WEBPROXY).
Why the hell they’re being excluded from scanning…?
Why spamihilator.ex and not .exe?
Look, there is not Outlook (full) nor Thunderbird. WHY?
How do I get rid of this?
My values of [MailScanner] section are posted before…

Please… :o

that is indeed somewhat strange. Most of the process names are those that we ignore by default - since we know they are causing troubles, but other are definitely not currently present in the ignore list. Did you restart you comp recently? Can you try that now and see if the list changes ?

If not, we can prepare (with Vojtech) some special build of mail scanner that can tell us where it finds those process names. But firstly please try to restart, if you have not already done that.


Wasn’t there recently something about being included in the VPS, as that is where the excluded/ignored program list is stored?

A recent VPS update may have had these in it, by accident or design, once in there the only way to over ride this would be by adding msimn.exe, etc. to the optin list over ride the ignore/exclude default list?

No, it is not in the VPS and currently there is no way to override those processes that are there…optin and ignore process lists are separate. Either the first one or the second is used but not both at the same time. For Internet Mail Provider it is only the ignore list.


Lukas, in fact, my avast! installation could be messed by betas, patches and so on.
I have some ‘strange’ files that, after a repair and in another computer, do not exist: aswMonDS.sys and aswMaiSv.ori
Other thing, the list of blocked process (by the ‘proxy’ ones) seems to be related to WebShield and not with MailScanner.
Could I have included anything in avast4.ini file that is bad?
Again, Thunderbird and MS Outlook work perfectly, so avast! Mail service should be working… ::slight_smile:

Ok, why don’t you send me your avast4.ini? I can re-check that…although I am not a ini-file guru; it is you who owns that thread :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, I’ll send it to you…