Something that I would like to see added to the next version of Avast

HI I just thought I would suggested something that you could put in the next major update of avast home edition. I would like to see faster iavs updates and make them more frequent updates for often instead of just updating the iavs updates once a day go for twice a day. The reason I suggested this is because I surf the internet a lot and sometimes I do worry that with the amount of surfing the internet I do that I am a little bite concerned that I might get a virus or trojan horse or worm or malware on my computer.

The other reason I brought this up is because I see in the avast pro version that you do frequent updates of avast pro edition. I just thought why not do frequent updates on avast home edition as well.


keep up the great work guys I enjoy avast home edition a lot. I love avast home edition a lot.
thanks again.

I don’t know what the likely update frequency will be in the “Home” edition once Avast 5 is released, and how it will compare to the pro, but currently Avast Home updates 1 or 2 times a day, which I feel is adequate.
It can be configured to check for updates more frequently than the default, if an update is found it will download it.

The way I see it there have to be some differences in features between the free and paid for version. If there were none, why would anybody pay for the Pro? And if no-one pays for the pro, the developers and techs don’t get paid, they don’t eat, and then they die, and then no more Avast.

So I’m quite happy if the Alwil staff keep getting paid, personally. ;D

There is a thread here that covers wishlists for the next version.

New versions (maybe 5.1 or 5.2) will have pulse or quantum updates. Maybe only for pro.
The main update frequency (full virus definitions database) although, is the same for home and pro.

@ Diddy
Currently there are two updates a day on avast 4.8 on occasion only 1 yesterday (but I could have missed 1 being off-line.

What you don’t seem to appreciate is that avast checks for updates when you first connect to the internet and every 4 hours if you remain connected, so you shouldn’t miss out if an update is available.

There were times in the past when there was no fixed schedule for updates and at times I had as many as 4-5 in a day. So although there are a planned two updates per day, the same could happen were more updates are released, this I guess would depend on the severity of the malware it is detecting and not wanting to wait for the next release.

There are always going to be differences in the Home, free and Pro, paid options, the programmers have to eat ;D