Spam - a growing problem!

Hi malware fighters,

All the Internet veins slowly but surely get obstructed , not like human veins by bad choresterol, but the killing agent for the Internet structures is called spam. One is not allowed to write about SPAM, because that is a protected trade mark, and not related to spam spam.In the Netherlands now 84% of the mail traffic consists of Spam messages. It is a cat and mouse game, where the spammers stand to win, if other parties won’t come to the rescue (regulation, better protocols, legislation). The costs to the community per annum are greater than that of drug abuse.
What do you see as a solution to this problem? Are the people to blame that answer spam mails, or the ones that let their computers be turned into spam spewing zombie-machines? Or is this going on while certain parties turn a blind eye, because of the big money involved?
