I am using Avast premium, operating Windows Live mail on Windows 7. I have been happy with the SPAM filter in the 3 years that I have been using Live/Avast. I have not altered the default settings as I do not know how and it has done it’s job well keeping out the rubbish and allowing the majority of incoming emails through without comment.
2 days ago everything changed, now every incoming email is shown as SPAM. What has happened and how do I correct this over zealous application of the SPAM Rule?
If your mail account have spamfilter, i would turn off avast spam filter and let the mail account spamfilter handle this
I see you have bitinternet, and the mail there seems to be provided by yahoo …
Meaning your mail account is protected by Norton virus engine and Spamguard spam filter
Seems they are moving away from yahoo to there own mail service now, so they may use another spam/virus filter now