Spam Mail

Hey guys Fox again. ;D

So I went to one of my old email addresses and noticed that a friend of mine sent me an email with only “Hey” and a link. I of course knew that he had presumably been hacked or that a virus had sent the mail out, and promptly deleted it. I’m wondering is that all Spam mail is? Is it a bot sending out bad links hoping someone will take the bait? Or is there something slightly more concerning I should be aware of :-?

Most of the time it’s a bot. As you probably already know never open an email unless you know the sender.
It just might have some sort of nasty virus/infection. :slight_smile:

I did know the sender which is why I opened it. But even opening an email can infect you? Or is it clicking something inside the email that does it?

  1. Yes!
  2. Yes!

EDIT: Just found out how it works. I’m going to the virus section now to make sure I didn’t just screw myself over.