Well, new users are spamming here with IM.
Please, Kubecj, can’t you add a policy to the forum blocking the users with less then 10 posts to send any IM?
It’s ridiculous…
Besides this, there is this thread: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=24169.0
Wait, why are you naming me? I come here so rarely that you instantly develop a grudge against me? Aren’t you supposed to be a respected member of this forum?
Me to here’s the header:
Received: from sm00.avast.com ([])
by alnrmxc19.comcast.net (alnrmxc19) with ESMTP
id <20061013012139a1900a20iee>; Fri, 13 Oct 2006 01:21:39 +0000
X-Originating-IP: []
Message-Id: 200610130121.k9D1Ld8s020963@sm00.avast.com
Subject: New Personal Message: URGENT MESSAGE FROM ADMIN!!!
From: “avast!WEBforum” webadmin@asw.cz
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 01:16:53 +0000
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
You have just been sent a personal message by EdwardN on avast!WEBforum.
What’s strange is that it was sent to an e-mail address that I don’t use on the forum.
Ah, alrighty then. Guess I got a little worked up, this wouldn’t have been the first time (although first time here) that I’ve been blamed for PM spamming on a forum.
This points to a compromise of a user data base stored on the forum server.
Why is my information from registering the product stored in a freaking PHPbb data base? Did I mention I’m pissed?
Now I just received a notification to the current email that I use on the forum
about a PM entitled An Urgent Message from an Administrator
Same message, same sender.
Well, I can’t believe that the first, single, spam email you’ve received is enough to change the antivirus you use.
Well, if you think so, maybe you have to quit for any email account. I agree that we all hate spam, but changing the antivirus because of this :o
If we ran away from problems they’ll never be solved.
Hi everybody,
I also received this message with exactly the same text and author EdwardN. This surprised me because I did not participate to this forum since a few months.
Finding a solution would be great…
Just as the rest of you have posted, I have also recieved the PM and the email that includes the same links.
While I hate censoring others, I do think that 10 (or maybe even 20) posts should be required before a PM is allowed by a “lama” on this forum. This would help reduce the amount of “drive-by” spammers. No one here at this forum likes spam. We all hate it. >:(
Those of you who are irate enough to want to change av, you should realize this could be possible at almost any other forum. So, what is the logic behind changing av programs based on one incident on the forum? ??? :
Yea, got that here to, from the EdwardN dude…and the same from another name…beware, they obviouslly have multiple accounts. Morons. -.- I can’t remember but i’d assume there’s an option to not get sent forums stuff/replies sent to your email.