Sparsebundle warnings and length of full scan (first scan)

Running my first scan on my Macbook. Receiving a slew of warnings all are sparsebundle/bands/* files – all start with Win32:* I do run parallels and have a bunch of old windows files I transferred to my mac many years ago. Upon googling it seemed that some others felt these were false warnings. Should I take these seriously? If so, can I safely put these files in the virus chest once the scan is complete?

Second question, scan has been running for 33.5 hours! How long should it take?

I’m having the same problem. I use SuperDuper to create a backup for my Mac. Avast seems to find a lot of trojans in the bands of the SuperDuper backup but none in my hard drive for the OS. Could these be false positives?

in general they could be false positives and if you cannot find corresponding viruses on the original disk, they likely are.