
I went to a website last night and all the sudden my monitor went black and came back and everything was in X-Large font and whenever I try to access any program or Control Panel to change the settings, I get a Error Report saying like lssas isn’t responding, and then I get stuff saying “Sporkeh owns you” and I need to access my computer ASAP because I work off of it, but I can not afford to pay alot of money to get this removed especially if someone hacked into it. If I can not get it fixed in a matter of the next day, then I am going to take legal action, because even if it is a virus, there is no need for it to say that someone “owns” me. I also ran my virus scan and it didn’t detect any viruses except 3 unrecognized files but it didn’t delete them and I manually deleted the folders, but I am stuck. Luckily I found a way to get into IE to post this, but I can’t open anything else. I don’t have my recovery disk, and system restore won’t work either. I went to safe mode to try to fix this and that still didn’t work. I am clueless and like I said, I’m about to take legal action. I did nothing but visit an AOL Instant Messanger website and this happened. My mouse is also reversed. (Right click serves as what the left click used to, vice-versa.) PLEASE I NEED HELP DOING THIS! PLEASE TELL ME IT WILL BE A VEEERRRRY INEXPENSIVE PROCEDURE!!

Click on the link in my signature and follow the steps as described there. You may need to visit it on a clean system in order to be able to download the needed applications. If this is the case, dl them and burn them on a cd so you can use them on your system.

Get THIS small apllication, run it, save the log file and post it here please so we can have a look at it.

And forget about that legal action, who is there to blame? AOL? No way, read their terms. Do you know who wrote/created this harmfull application? I don’t think so. So the only one you can go after is yourself because you don’t have your security setup properly. So let’s focus on solving this little problem.

Good luck

So what am I supposed to do? The “THIS” file you have or the HijackThis in your signature? Also, do I need all the programs that it says in the HijackThis requirements?

The “THIS” is a direct link to HijackThis, just incase you are not able to download it throug your browser. And please follow the instructions on my page, since it is very clear that your system is infected.

Well I hardly get anything that is on your HijackThis site, and what I do get, I can’t do. It won’t let me go to run, or anything. If I get a recovery CD is that going to help? My sister’s boyfriend is big with computers, so even though I lost my recovery CD, is there any way I can get one from his, even if it isn’t for my computer?? Please answer ASAP… Thanks anyway for attempting to help me, but I just don’t think that it will work, there is no other computer I can access these programs on and burn them, no one I know will let me, and the people that will, don’t have burners… So basically what are my other options? Am I screwed? Do I have to get a new computer? Will someone else’s recovery disk work for mine, or has that virus toggled with my CD-ROM drive and so that won’t even work?..??

A recovery cd is normally only working with the system is was created for, so very likely another recovery cd is not of any help for you. Sure you can use a XP cd and do a clean installation, but that will make you loose everyhting.

HijackThis is very small and fits easily on a diskette. Can you get it on a working comp, put it on a floppy and create the log file? If so, please do it and post the log here.

The more details I (and others who read this) know, the better support we can give. So please answer the following questions.

Can you boot in safe mode?
Is your system in a network or standalone?

Well I figured out how to get rid of it… there is alot of descriptive instructions that I do not feel like typing. If anyone gets this virus and needs removal help, email me or reply to this and i’ll try to check back often… thanx 4 all your help anyway!

Hey buddy can you tell me how to get rid of this virus please!

  1. I suggest that you read the Forum Policy, click on the button at the top right of every page.

If your post is not trying to help then please don’t post.

This will be my last comment on your post.

I suggest that others don’t bother to comment either. It is not resolving either kantar or anyone else who may have this problem and may be designed to inflame comment don’t feed the trolls.

Maybe Igor or Pavel can get that post off this thread so we don’t have it staring in our faces ony more.
Thanks in advance.

click start - run - enter: command
cd c:
cd windows\system32\restore
for the maker: your virus really sucks, after 10 minutes I got ride of it :smiley:

This is the well known myg0t virus named “Sporkeh”. If you do not know what myg0t is, it’s a bunch of 19 year olds who like to piss people off by cheating in online games, and team killing and whatever. They created the sporkeh virus and it is also known as the myg0t virus.


reply to darkone: im in the command and i dont no witch order or how to type in what you said so if you can tell me exactly what to do i’d appreciate it.

Hey easy fix goto Wal-Mart get a new 160GB HDD for around $100 even better goto www.newegg.com and order a new 160GB HDD foraround 60-80 us dollars. This virus only infects the HDD no other part of your PC like the RAM,Motherboard,Videocard, EXC… i buy new HDDs like every 3 years cause they either are overloaded and don’t work or viruses. its not very expensive. also you cant take legal action unless you know exactly who made it and what he has done to cause harm to your life like take information from your computer.