
Thank you guys for provided informations about SpywareBlaster!!!
I installed it updated and enabled all protections, it looks great and easy to use :smiley: ( its not slowing the cpu at all and i am realy happy )

It will be a super help for identifying O16 entries ha ha ;D

Sorry guys and gals but discussions should be on the progrms thread or in a seperate thread. this is meant for update announcements only.

Sorry Bob it will never happen again. ::slight_smile:

Sorry Bob it will never happen again.
Nothing to be sorry about SNOWHITE. :) I've done it myself that's how I learned. ;D

:slight_smile: Hi Snow :

  Did you follow the "tutorial" at :
  www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/index.php?showtutorial=49  !?

   Did you put it on your brother's portion of the computer !?

Hi Spirit :slight_smile:

No i did not follow the tutorial, but i just check it and its all ok.