Stall of AvastEmUpdate.exe Because of MVPS hosts file Confirmed Fixed

I just went through a Change operation of Avast to research another post, and it ended up completing an update including a run of AvastEmUpdate.exe. At first I wondered if it would hang, since it stopped on that step for a few seconds, but then it completed.

I’m happy about that.


Same here. After seeing your note, I tried a clean install on a Windows 7 SP1 virtual machine, using the 9.0.2011.263 Avast Free installer. The installation seemed to hesitate for a moment on AvastEmUpdate.exe /Installer (or maybe it was /Install), but after a few seconds, the installation completed successfully. (I don’t run MVPS, but I do filtering on my router, running a script that blocks ads based on a list of ad servers at

Did anyone from AVAST ever officially verify any of the hosts file issues? If not, that would be very disappointing! Even if they did fix it.

Someone from Avast did acknowledge that there was a problem, and I believe they said they’d work on it. I’ve lost track of the specific thread; it seems to me it may have been one of the pinned ones.
