Standard Shield Exclusions

I would like to exclude games from real-time scanning by using the Advanced tab of the Standard Shield. I just have a few questions regarding this because the help file was quite limited.

Can I just add the process name (executable file)?

  • Would this exclude all activities by this process?
  • (example: loading game textures, music, sounds, save game files)

Or do I have to add the entire path to the game directory?

  • Would sub-directories within the game directory also be excluded?

Thank you,

  1. Yes you could, No, it wouldn’t exclude all activity, the executable isn’t likely to be the file or files that are constantly changing causing avast to scan, you need to identify these files.

  2. You could exclude everything in the game folder C:*\games-folder*.* but that would leave large areas vulnerable it would be better to identify specific file types, C:*\games-folder*.log, etc.