This just started on Monday… Everything was running super slow. When I used the task manager to check on my CPU usage it was stuck at 100% with Ashserv.exe using 89-95%.
I un-installed & re-installed which seemed to clear up the problem at least until this morning when I was stuck again.
By shutting down avast and starting up one scanner at a time, I found that the Standard Shield was the culprit. I usually keep it set to High ..... I lowered it to Normal and now everything seems fine again [ hopefully it will still be ok in the morning <g> ]
Any ideas? suggestions ? If I keep the normal [ vs high ] setting will I have any problems ?
ashserv.exe is both the Standard Shield and a scanning that you’re running…
Are you using the Professional or Trial version? If yes, did you schedule a scanning?
What is your sensitivity level (of Standard Shield): High, Normal or Custom?
I’m using the registered home version. I had the Standard Shield set to High when
it was causing the freeze up. When I changed it to Normal things seemed to be ok.
It shows the files that are being scanned ... program files, documents etc. ...c:\Program files\...\detailed html
c:\ Docume~\patti
I don't know what file name you are looking for ....
I just changed the setting from Normal to High and my CPU usage shot up to 100% with Ashserv.exe @ 92%. When I changed the setting back to Normal, everything went back to normal.
Should I just keep it set to Normal & not worry about it ???
I have similar problems but I don’t know whether it is related or not. When I turn on ‘Archive Chat Message’ in MSN Messenger. Avast keep scaning those .xml files (which is under My documents) from msnmsgr and almost eat up the whole CPU. When I turned it off the ‘Archiving’, it went ok.