Starts with Unsecured information

For the past 3 days on starting my Win 7 x 64 system I observe the following.

1.The Network adapter “revolving circle” takes unusually a long time in stabilising and it never seems to be completed.

2.Avast starts late with a red cross mark in the sys tray. On expanding it shows the system is unsecure. Resolve all issues… On clicking it sorts out itself and even the network adapter icon has stabilised.

Based on posts in other threads , I have the following settings enabled in Avast5.ini


have you tried avast repair?

ad/remove programs > avast > uninstall > repair option … wait a minute and reboot

any change?

Check to see if you have Avast set to load after other System Services load.

See Attachment Below:

I tried going to Uninstall program > avast > uninstall > repair option . Surprisingly the process did not complete and an error was thrown. So I reinstalled Avast from the exe file once again. For the present the error which I reported is not there. Still the adapter revolving circle takes time to stabilize.Is the updateperiod =240 in my avast5.ini OK ?

I always have Avast load after System services , because I thought it was playing tricks with the Adapter.

Anyway I think there is some issue with AVAST and the Network adapters perhaps because it tries to take control.

hi Nagan,

Sorry, but information as to version and type of avast! antivirus program seems to be missing. Free version, for example, does not have a firewall built-in. Is that what you have?

It is AVAST free 8.0.1489

Well, in that case, it cannot be avast! free that is causing your issues, as it does not have a built-in firewall and thus cannot have firewall drivers that would likely cause the symptoms you are seeing. I’d have a look at the NDIS drivers you may be running in your network system properties and report back what you find. These NDIS drivers are likely are native Windows drivers or third-party ones, but sadly, that information is lacking so far in your replies or in the description of your problems.

Please post back what you find.

@mchain Thanks for the replies.Please let me know what to search for and locate. Not familiar with NDIS drivers.