statistics for Behavior Shield shows nothing since August 10th

I have the same problem like here
Like Tech ,my Behavior Shield is working ,but nothing shows in statistics! ???

who can tell me why and how to solve this prblem?

BTW,the new forum are so beautiful ;D

Yeah, still pending of solution or, at least, acknowledgment…

Hi comicwm, you must be on windows 7 if your seeing this problem as this is the only os to be recieveing this problem that i know of and there dosn’t seem to be a reason or fix for this issue at the moment. I guess they class this issue as low priority as the shield still works, it’s just not showing.

How do you know it’s working?
We know it’s not working… it’s not scanning at all… it’s not a matter of visual… it’s real, unfortunately (on Windows 7).

Slightly off-topic, but involving the Behavior Shield … on my XP SP3 system, the stats display just fine. But they’re showing two supposedly infected items encountered, 1 each last Tuesday and Wednesday. If I hit the “show report file” button/link, there’s not any mention of these, just the standard “automatically generated” and “started at …” entries. So I’ve no idea what specific files(s) or behavior were involved.

Am I missing something in the setup options, maybe? I looked under Maintenance and it looks like I’ve probably got the default settings, delete after 7 days (1 day for temp logs) and the debugging log is not ticked.

Tech, if i check the reports under program data it say’s that the behavior shield is starting plus right clicking on tray icon and scrolling over shield’s also say’s that all shield are on. this is why i think it is just the visuals that have stoped working.

Yeah, mine too… But if a shield does not scan nothing, I won’t say it’s working even the logs, the traffic, whatever is saying that it is working… It’s nonoperative.