The stats are gone from the TOOLS tab. Is that part of a new update? It was still part of the TOOLS tab a few days ago (Jan. 3, 2017). I was gone for a few days and when I came back, it’s gone.
What’s going on?
Thanks you.
The stats are gone from the TOOLS tab. Is that part of a new update? It was still part of the TOOLS tab a few days ago (Jan. 3, 2017). I was gone for a few days and when I came back, it’s gone.
What’s going on?
Thanks you.
The Stats has been gone for some considerable time now. You don’t say what avast version you are using (the current release version is 12.3.2280) ?
It has been returned in the current beta version, but even then I feel that the Stats in their present state are not good enough. Some have said the Stats in the current beta testing are not detailed enough. I don’t know if it is being reworked again or not.
If you are using the beta then you need to post in the avast beta sub-forum, a child of this forum.
Yes, I have version 12.3.2280. Apparently, it took several months for my client to update it to it?
That is strange, as I believe it was removed even earlier than 12.3.2280, though I have no specific date.
One thing for sure the old stats that were removed had more detailed information than the one in the current beta testing. There are more sections but less detailed information.
Statistics where removed in version 2016.11.1.2262, release date 2016-04-07 (IIRC)
A very clear indication is this thread, started on 2016-06-06 >
If the OP saw the statistics in a later version, there really is something strange going on there or the OP is running a Beta version.
I don’t have the beta as far as I know. No indication of it. I downloaded Avast from the website 3 years ago (or so) on this PC. Hm…
You can only get the beta by downloading the specific beta version, normally given in the forum notification of a new beta.
That said, once you install the beta, when a future beta is released, because you have used the beta previously you will be offered it as a program update.
Alright, so it appears my Avast is not updating when it’s supposed to. That would be the only explanation right? How do I make sure to get all future program updates on time? And just to be safe, definition updates.
That rather depends on ‘your’ avast settings for program updates. Earlier versions had Program Updates set to Ask when an update is available. There would be a possibility if you weren’t present when that message was displayed, it may not have updated. But I don’t believe it only asks once.
Newer avast versions has program updates set to Auto by default, but I prefer to set mine at the old ‘Ask when an update is available’ option.
Right as said before precisely “from the TOOLS tab”
However , even with last version , you may have a more complete stats as in “bêta” , simply by logging in to your account (top right of the interface).
(Just) for the device used , you have the “stats” tab to see the same thinks you have before in tools UI with old version.
As an aside, we can note that the year 2017 resists in the name of the program, contradicting (at least on
We also stopped using the year in product name
What you are seeing in the Stats image that you attached is what was in earlier avast versions with the Stats section.
Those five lines are now just one in the current beta, so worse/less than before.
what is your point ?
Of course it’s what was in earlier avast versions with the Stats section , but in fact isn’t it what guibin wants precisely in his actual version ? (no more beautiful , just same think he has before)
Of course you say they are in the current beta (Grouped or not in 5 line is not the main aspect , I think) , but why do you want members to use beta version or wait for a main with stats integrated ?
ps:I have a very bad memory of having used a beta version here.
So , why make complicated when you can do simple ?
Can guibin tell us if my porpose way meets its first posted expectations ?
If not or not enough simple , apologies
The facts have been stated by Eddy → Statistics were removed in version 2016.11.1.2262, release date 2016-04-07 (IIRC).
That decision was made by Avast.
There’s no statistics in the current stable build and hasn’t been since the release date mentioned above. Ofcourse, everyone doesn’t get automatically updated to the latest program version immediately, it could take a few weeks/months even if it set to Automatic.
My point I thought was clear. There are no stats in the current regular release and haven’t been for some time (so no one will be getting that). There is however a stats section in the current beta testing version. Which is an indication that it will be back, but what I have seen of some of the images of the beta UI is that there are less lines of information.
My program update setting was set to “ask when update it downloaded” but it never did. Or have. Is this a bug?
I’ve set it to ask when update is available.
I liked the old statistics actually. When will it (or a new version) be back? I partially used it to check what programs are out of date. What was the reason it was removed?
The statistics weren’t accurate as has been explained in another thread by someone from avast.
It would not surprise me if the loss of many users at that time also had something to do with it.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, the message/popup doesn’t stay there indefinitely:
There would be a possibility if you weren't present when that message was displayed, it may not have updated. But I don't believe it only asks once.
So it is very hard to say why you didn’t see it to authorise the update.
In very recent versions of avast (12.x.xxxx onwards I believe) the Program Update setting was set to Automatic Update by default. Personally I don’t like that as I want to control when a program update occurs so I change it back. Having it set back to Ask when an update is available, it should honour that option for future updates.
I was just saying that it is not mandatory to wait for a new version or to install a beta version to see its stats.
With current regular release , it’s possible to see stats even if not integrated to the desktop UI , by login to our account like in my screen.
This is a little more complicated than before but at least not worth worrying about installing a beta or waiting for a new version.
Listen to you, I said a stupidity and it’s impossible for guibin with v12.3.2280 to see stats.
It seems you have diverted the main question about yes or no stats alternative way… to yes or no stats integrated to last UI
of course , wainting for the future , guibin confirmed that this is what he wants.
We do with what we have
I diverted nothing the topic Subject “Stats gone from TOOLS tab” not seeking an alternative.
I told guibin that Stats are back in a limited form in the current beta, based on that there is every likelihood that they will be back ion the next regular program update release. No one other than avast knows what that form will be.
Other than people stating it needs more detail to be really useful as and when it comes back, we will have to wait and see what the new program release brings.