Steam.exe: Win32:Trojan-gen

The file was intially detected when i Tried to run Steam. When i tried to start Steam, avast! gave me a message which said that the file Steam.exe had been moved to the chest automatically.
It said it was infected with “Win32:Trojan-gen”
The file was, of course, from I had just installed and updated the program yesterday.
The Exact file was Steam.exe, the main executable for the Steam program.
The wording was similar to what i have included later in this post. As per instructions, i restored it from the chest and rescanned it, and i got the exact same alert.
However, when i uploaded Steam.exe to the Jotti scanner, it passed as totally clean. I also scanned it with MBam, which it also passed.

I did a search on for Win32:Trojan-gen and got this as a result:
“Phrase to find: “Win32:Trojan-gen”
Found: 12382”
So this seems to be a rather common infection.

I suppose i should mention that i am using the avast! version 5 beta.

Anyway, i deleted the Steam.exe file, and redownloaded the steam installer form their website. After i reinstalled steam,
i scanned the fresh Steam.exe file. It passed clean. However, when i started it, it went to automatically update.
In the middle of that update i got this message:

"avast! File System Shield has blocked a threat.
No further action is required.

Object: C;\Program Files\Steam\SteamNew.exe
Infection: Win32:Trojan-gen
Action: Moved to chest
Process: C:\Program Files\steam\Steam.exe

The Threat was detected and blocked when the file was created or modified."

It seems that the Steam.exe file being downloaded from Valve’s servers is either infected, or possibly coming up as
a false positive. Anyone have this problem?

Most important part of the post…;D

Already reported:

Side note: this should really have been in the beta subforum…

I am also having this problem, I altho am not using beta version. Trying to run Steam for a game and it’s bringing up win32:fakeAlert-AAB [Tri], I have yet to try the website itself for a possible new version of Steam.exe, it does make me wonder about the site being comprimised.

upload the file(s) to and test with 43 malware scanners
when you have the result, copy the URL in the address bar and post it here


There have been cases of this executable been detected as an FP in 2006-2007. Could be a False Positive again,


it looks that Win32:FakeAlert-AAB [Trj] is not false positive – look, if the file is digitally signed and if yes, then if the sign is valid.


Hi Milos,

Thanks for confirming, that is what they get for ridiculing e.g. avast av on their forum, see:
So there is a Steam virus around,


Its A false Positive Win32:FakeAlert-AAB [Trj]

win32 fakealert? isn’t this fake microsoft security essentials popup ? ;D

btw I have Steam and it’s clean. Looks like you’re infected with any virus.

NOT false positive. I don’t getting this alert even I also have steam installed. Can you upload this sample to virustotal?