Still can't upgrade 1091 Pro to AIS

Running Pro with an AIS license along with OA. Uninstalled OA to look at some issues. Tried to install AIS over Pro, got the options shown in the figure-uninstall Pro and try again, or update the Pro features only. This is with the installer shown, downloaded from the 1091 thread here. Will try downloading the one from the website and see if that makes a difference.

Confirmed website version is the same installer with the same behavior.

You have a valid AIS licence, but AIS won’t install? Is that what you are saying?

I would

  1. Uninstall Pro
  2. Install AIS
  3. Upload into AIS the AIS license that you were sent.

I don’t think that you can use the Pro license for AIS.

Nesivos: who wrote anything about Pro-licence…?

Apparently in the past you could upgrade from Pro to AIS (save your settings) if you had an AIS license. Current generation of installers requires you to uninstall Pro first and install AIS from scratch, do settings over again. Seems an inconvenience, since Avast! is in the business of selling upgrades. Haven’t tried it from Free to AIS.

Isn’t there something similar like this in the Pro version?
I mean a button saying “Insert AIS Licence file” ?

Simple idea: with Avast Pro installed, why don’t you just doubleclick on your AIS .avastlic file…? Shouldn’t that replace the licence and upgrade the installation?

Just a thought… ;D

Pro and AIS are different since AIS has more to offer. With Free you can insert one or the other, then avast will automatically upgrade. If you can’t insert AIS license into Pro you might have to do a clean install. You failed to mention if you tried via “maintenance”…“subscriptions”. Just a thought. :slight_smile:

… ;D …didn’t know that. Heartbreaking news. 8)

Exactly - and there is no apparent reason why this shouldn’t be also made available for upgrade from Pro to AIS (maybe it is). And you can insert by doubleclicking on the avastlic-file. Just what I said.

The Pro and AIS downloads are different configurations and different sizes now.

Did you try the doubleclick thing on the AIS licence .avastlic-file?

The idea being if, as was the case in earlier versions, if you were on line whilst inserting the upgrade license (in this case the license.avastlic file) it would upgrade the elements installed.

That’s the way the free version does it, why should the Pro not do it?

No one has said if they tried…maintenance…subscriptions…insert license.

Unfortunately there is no license dialog if you try to upgrade from Pro to AIS. The Pro dialog shown previously comes up immediately. If you double click on the license, it just asks if you would like to insert the license in Pro and does that if you say yes, even though the license is already installed. The AIS installer simply won’t run with Pro installed-you can only upgrade Pro, or uninstall and try again. Tried it the other way when I had AIS installed, though. Ran the Pro Installer, and ended up with the picture attached: Pro with nonfunctional Firewall tabs. Current installer is just not very flexible.

All I can think of is to do a clean install. Or maybe hunt down DavidR. If anyone can help it’s him. :slight_smile:

Not a real problem; only a feature that apparently used to be there but no longer works. I just uninstall Pro/AIS and install AIS/Pro whenever I want to switch. Now if Avast! would just save/restore your settings on demand … :wink:

To save/restore settings is a dream most of us would like. Let’s hope the dream comes to. :slight_smile:

I hope too :slight_smile: