Hi all,
New to this forum and Avast. How do you stop the alerts during a scan. I start the scan while I’m not using my computer. When I come back there is an alert that if found something and it has only scanned like 12,000 of 360,000plus files. Waiting for me to answer the alert which I am only going to ignore anyhow for what it found. I put it in the “Exceptions” but it still finds it and stops scanning with the alert window open. Is there a way to stop these alerts so I don’t have to sit at my computer and watch it scan in order to dismiss the alert?
That is a restriction of the free version which isn’t there in the pro version. Personally I prefer it to be interactive I like to know what is going on in my system. However after a short period of time the resident scanners should pick up infection and stop it getting on the HDD so there should be less of a problem with on-demand scans.
Once you get an alert you can tick the don’t show this again and if you also select no action (or words to that effect) then at the end of the scan you get a list of files that require action.
On-demand scan exceptions are in the Program Settings, Exceptions, what path did you put in there that didn’t work ?
I also assume that you are doing a thorough scan with archives enabled (you don’t say what) ?
Archive (zip, etc.) files are by their nature are inert, you need to extract the files and then you have to run them to be a threat. Long before that happens avast’s Standard Shield should have scanned them and before an executable is run that is scanned. Thorough is also by its design very thorough and perhaps a little overkill for routine use, were a Standard scan without archives should be adequate.
I have only ever done a through scan with archives once shortly after installation just to ensure a clean start state, but with XP for example avast will do a boot-time scan after installation if you select it, this I believe will be quicker and reasonably effective. Like everything in life things are a compromise.
Hi DavidR,
Sorry, should have said I am using Avast 4.7 Home free version. Just frustrated and didn’t think about it.
I ticked the “don’t show this again”, “continue”, and the alert still popsup during a scan. I put it in Settings, Exceptions, as C:/Windows/Downloaded Program Files/MiniBugTransporter.dll, exactly the way it was shown in the list at the end of the scan. When its finished scanning, it is listed as Win32:Adware-gen[Adw] and its location. It is for Weatherbug, which transponder I thought Ad-Aware killed months ago.
I do an on-demand scan of local hard disk and have not ticked the archives(disabled). I did not change any of the default settings, except for the skin.
The resident protection is running and has never alerted to this “adware”.
So while this alert window is opened, and I come back to my computer an hour later, it is still just sitting there waiting for a reply from me, when it could have been done scanning. So have I done something wrong or do I need to uninstall and reinstall the program so it works properly? ???
Don’t use / but \
Buy the Pro version to get automated actions feature… :
Sorry, just typed it wrong above. I did use \
I still have 36 days left before I register the free edition. I’m still trying this out.
So what you are saying is that in order to get Exclusions to work, I have to buy the Pro? :o I don’t think so. It doesn’t say that in Help. This is as bad as the free spyware scans on-line and then they say buy it to get rid of what it finds. I had good referrals for Avast than what I’m getting. I’ll go back to AVG, thank you.
Sorry to have wasted your time.
Tech isn’t saying that, he is saying you can if you feel you want/need the additional functionality so you can automate what to do in the event of a detection (what actions to take, repair, move to chest, rename, etc.). You don’t have to buy the Pro edition, before the end of the 60 day trial. You just get a registration key for the free home version. Complete the avast! 4 Home Registration form and you will receive an email from register @ avast.com (without the spaces) with your registration key.
You can use * wildcards which would avoid long folder names and those with spaces in them, which under certain circumstances could cause a problem. Try C:*\MiniBugTransporter.dll so any occurrence of MiniBugTransporter.dll in any folder under C:\ would be excluded or C:\Windows*\MiniBugTransporter.dll
Have you set that up in Both Exclusions areas ?
Standard Shield, Customize, Advanced (for on-access scans) and
Program Settings, Exclusions (for on-demand scans).
I still have 36 days left before I register the free edition. I’m still trying this out.
Don’t worry, it’s your fully right.
So what you are saying is that in order to get Exclusions to work, I have to buy the Pro?
No. Automated actions.
This is as bad as the free spyware scans on-line and then they say buy it to get rid of what it finds.
Please, don’t make such a comparison. avast is a trustable application
I’ll go back to AVG, thank you.
I won’t do so if I were you… you’re losing the best antivirus 8)
Sorry to have wasted your time.
No. We’re here to help. We’re users like you 8)
I’ll go back to AVG, thank you.
No No No…please stay with the best antivirus-program
There is no way I would go back to AVG, I left them over two and a half years ago and that would IMHO be a massive backward step.
avast is the most configurable and flexible anti-virus I’ve ever used.