Please excuse me but i love avast! and it really bothers me to see the Pro Version(which I have paid for) offered for a few dollars on eBay. My correspondence to eBay has brought no satisfaction.
I usually bug the eBay sellers asking them if their software is legal. I usually get no response.
Here is an example of a recent response:
Dear jadinolf,
This is free version from I have licens key for activation for 2 years. After update you have AVAST PROFESSIONAL 4.8 LATEST EDITION. Remember this is not CD and I am not autorized seler.
Thank you for your question and have nice day
The misspelling is not mine.
I wish you guys and gals in the Czech Republic could help out stamp out this piracy— please do it.
If this post is improper, please feel free to delete it.
Well it may be possible that they bought a licence, but I somehow doubt that. So having asked about legitimacy and got no response I would report it to ebay.
If an avast! Pro code can be misused in this way, could Alwil/DR/Element5/other resellers impement a system which issues issue a time-limited code to purchasers. In a case where the code was not applied within the time window, another code could be requested from the registration section within the program and emailed to the customers registered email address.
i hope it is ok to ask question here. i am using the free version. i did not read on the pg i download it from that is was 14 month free then you have to buy. i am hopeing soon i well be able to get the bought version. i am just not sure when i can perchuis it. i just guess i am just doubble checking to see if that is right or not?
It is 14 months and you have to re-register again and you get another 14 months free updates. You can of course buy the Pro version then or at any other time, but you aren’t forced to do so.
@ jadinolf
I have had a look at that item and the seller only has a positive feedback score of 15 and all as a buyer, none as a seller. If they were doing this as a rip-off or piracy then I would have expected then to al least have had multiple licenses for sale or previously sold.
Even with the benefit of the doubt that they had previously bought a license that they don’t need, I wouldn’t buy it as there is nothing tangible that you can check, e.g. you would only find it was a duff license after trying to input it. Not to mention with very little feedback scores I wouldn’t but anything from them anyway.
David these activities go on all the time on eBay. Just do a search for avast and you will see it offered and it sells real cheap. The thing that astounds me is that buyers give the seller good feedback.
Yes, they do and I’m aware of it, just in this particular case this guy doesn’t seem to be at it or they would have more activity.
Buyers stupid enough to purchase licenses of ebay are stupid enough to give feedback too. However, when avast blocks the license numbers and they do frequently, they can hardly go back and complain having bought a keygen license.