Strange behaviour on the floppy disk - PART II

Well, the problem with the floppy persists…but a bit less. The antivirus “thinks” there is a floppy when there is not and windows xp pro sp1 tells me if i want to format it, but now the behaviour disappears if i insert a good formatted floppy and use it at least once a time.

    And the antivirus has the skills to disturb the behaviour of other programs and i have a proof :). The rescue boot disks creation program of partition magic 8 reports a suspicious  -1  in its "unsigned long int" form (No hay espacio disponible suficiente en el disquete = There is no enough space on the floppy ; Espacio disponible = Avaliable Space) if i try to make the disks and there is no disks and your antivirus on (without doing what i said above for temporaly "fixing" this bug).  I attach the image.

So i expect you encounter what happens and fix it :slight_smile: It’s a great antivirus and has a great support. Thanks in advance.

how about a Link to “Floppy Part I” ?

The original thread was removed i think…But as you see I explained all again, and the moderators knows about this…so there is no need of the original thread.


FYI: Part I is here;action=display;threadid=305;start=msg1359#msg1359
;D ;D :wink:

Oh thanks, whocares :slight_smile: