Streaming updates

I just noticed that my last ‘virus definitions’ update was around 8:42AM (about 6 hours ago EST).

It says ‘connection established,’ and when I click update it says ‘Already up to date.’ (Version 140121-1)
I’m up to date on the ‘Program’ version too. (2014.9.0.2013)

Usually streaming updates come in several times an hour, is it normal to go this long? Maybe I never paid close enough attention before…

Same for me, nothing all day. Pretty obvious that there is a server issue (again.)

VPS updates can be sparse sometimes, if you check in settings/ update you’ll notice that the streaming updates are very regular and no need to worry.

Thanks, craigb.
The 6-hour gap kind of threw me. As long as it says things are up to date, I won’t worry too much about it.

Wrong. We’ve been through this a bunch of times before. The connection is established but there is no data up/down from the server(s) in question. It is a definite concern when this happens time and time again. Maybe this will be resolved shortly or maybe this will go on for several days like in the past.

No problem getting streaming updates here.

Just received an update. :slight_smile:

I think you’ll find you are wrong ::slight_smile: if you had of checked your steaming updates you would have seen that there is nothing wrong with data transmission and as the OP has now received an update only proves there was nothing to be concerned about.

All good :slight_smile:

Good for the OP, still nothing here for seven hours.

Looking at the “Components Status” in Statistics, I received 95 streaming updates in the last 24 hours …

Well when they are pushed out to the servers that cover your area then you’ll get them, as already stated you are receiving streaming updates so you are protected none the less.

I’ve received 180 updates in the last 24 hour period. However, on my WinXP machine, streaming updates stopped at 8:42 AM EST, with one more update at 2:57 PM EST this afternoon. Nothing since then. It seems server is possibly to blame.

Just not at the same level as those getting the current updates.

As already stated, I am NOT getting streaming updates so I am not be protected as I should be.

That makes no sense ??? the streaming updates are the most current as they are delivered every 4 or so minutes, once you receive the VPS it replaces all the streaming updates you have already received.

Please post a screen shot of your settings/updates

Thanks for posting. That’s the same server I’m stuck on. Usually I can disable/enable streaming updates and it will find another server (which may or may not stream updates, but always worth a try.) Today, disable/enable streaming updates always goes through the same server so I don’t know why it’s not trying one of those other servers like it normally does.

Anyway, thanks for confirming the streaming update and the particular server you’re connected to.

I didn’t receive streaming updates for over 6 hours, during a time when others were receiving them. I fully understand that when the next VPS is downloaded that the previous streaming updates are removed. However, during that 6 hour span, one may be vulnerable to exploit that the missed streaming updates would have provided, IF they had been received.

I am currently receiving streaming updates again, but there was a significant period where the streaming server wasn’t delivering them. Since you are probably served by a different server group, obviously you can’t see or understand the problem.

It looks like my streaming updates stopped working again. The last update was around 9:53 EST.
My definition is 140207-1, program version 2014.9.0.2013

I restarted the computer and tried connecting to a different Avast! server (by unchecking/rechecking the enable streaming updates box). It always says everything is up to date. Should I wait it out?

edit Never mind. An update literally just came in. Sorry! :stuck_out_tongue: