Submitting viruses


I don’t know if this is in the right forum, but I have a question. I myself use aVast 4 Home edition, and I visit a Dutch tech forum that has a special security and virusses section. Every once in a while we come across a new virus, which the moderator submits to Kaspersky. Since I use this program, and i would like to help out with submitting virusses, I wondered where I could do this. I couldnt find anything on your site about submitting virusses, nor could I find anything on your forum about submitting them.
Is there a place or an email adress i could submit files to that might be unknown viruses?
Thanks in advance.

Have you a dutch Avast Antivirus or English.If you have dutch have you a viruskluis.How come you to the viruskluis?
here is the answer

Right click on the animation in your systembalk(systeembalk) then you do Start avast Antivirus.Then if he is ready you see a doodskop leftunder.Then is he opening the viruskluis.Then have you geinfecteerde bestanden.Then you must click on the virus file(bestand) then email naar Alwil software.Then they make a virusdefinitions.

If you don’t understand i can it repeat in Dutch.

P.S the moderator of the dutch tech forum is Schouw?

Yep, his name is indeed Schouw. :slight_smile:
I myself use an english version of aVast, but i didnt notice the option to send files to aVast. I submitted the files i wanted to. Thanks for your help :slight_smile:
(btw, if you see me on GoT; shout at me or something… my nick there’s pastapappie.NET)

your welcome :wink:

Otherwise, the address to submit viruses to is