Substitute for RealPlayer

Hello folks :slight_smile:

As of late, my google chrome started to act so weird or if it is RealPlayer. When I installed realplayer. Google Chrome gives me a notification below the address bar to run a certain program of RealPlayer, after I click yes and I go to a new website it still re-appears and even after reopening Google Chrome. No matter how many times i use Google Chrome and re open it that notification still comes up so I got sick of it and uninstalled RealPlayer. Do any one of you here know any video player other than RealPlayer? The reason I ask this is because I want to download music videos from youtube to RealPlayer and realplayer has this feature that works with youtube where u simply hover your mouse to the video and realplayer pops out a notification message at the top right hand corner of the video so realplayer and straight away download it.

If there’s a similar program to RealPlayer that has that similar function of realplayer can you please let me know so i can be able to download music straight from youtube. Thanks a lot.

Why not buy the music instead of steeling it?

So is it illegal now or not?

Do you have/know an alternative program that has that similar function of RealPlayer?

EagleGet downloader

There is also download button above videos and it is faster than RealPlayer downloader.
You should check two EagleGet plugins in chrome:plugins to be enabled always.
Anyway,RealPlayer is spyware.

EagleGet forum:

Since Google banned YouTube downloader extensions from Chrome Web Store you could try to install Opera extension.
You’ll need to download Opera extension and rename file extension to .crx and then drag and drop it to the open Extensions tab
in Chrome.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for that information! By the way, is or does GOM Player has that similar program of RealPlayer? If yes, do i need to download the GOM Player and the GOM video convertor/downloader or both or either one?

I have GOM Player and it doesn’t have downloader/converter.I guess you are extracting audio (mp3) from downloaded
videos ?
I recommend you try free Any Video Converter.

Be careful during installation to decline toolbars and other crap.

Oh yeap! Thanks. Yeah I know about toolbar and other crap being into legitimate installers.

Always do a custom install and avoid the unwanted crap. :slight_smile:

There is always VLC, all purpose media player:

And Firefox, plus I suppose Google Chrome, or any Mozilla based engine would run Addons: DownloadHelper, or Download Flash and Video, for Flash Video Downloads.

*Be aware there are Copyright issues Downloading some material. Check into that before downloading.

Installing Audacity ( ) you can Import a Video and Export it’s Audio, in many Formats depending on which Codecs are installed. Also Import Audio, and export in another format, plus record, multitrack, edit.

Have fun,

Best regards,


If you have Mozilla firefox, you can use ‘Flashgot’ along with almost any download manager.

Installing Audacity ( ) you can Import a Video and Export it's Audio, in many Formats depending on which Codecs are installed. Also Import Audio, and export in another format, plus record, multitrack, edit.

Have fun,

I could never figure out how a company could have the Audacity to make such a great program totally free.
I prefer it over many paid programs. :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the help and information that you have given me guys. I found a good alternative to RealPlayer. It’s called DVDVideoSoft (freeyoutube to mp3 converter) and it works great 8)

I always check the alternativeTo site anytime I want to find different programs to run.

The following program from that manufacturer cover everything Multimedia:

Yeah thanks bob3160. I don’t need the whole package only the free youtube to mp3 player :smiley:

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Bob, :-X ;D those of us who know how to use Audacity try to keep it under our hat so to speak.
However it is of course no secret, and I have to say I’ve spent many hours Recording and editing Soundtracks, and loving the fact I’m offered such a great programme, for free.
I think if we all give back in some small way, like donations, volunteer work, most developers of Freeware, and OpenSource Software are more than happy. :wink:
For instance Avast Home Ed. :smiley:

You can also try Internet Download Manager which can extract audio/video from most of the webpages.

Make sure that you are not downloading any copyright contents.