Suddenly got 5 new Advanced Issues without being infected

2 days ago when I did scan, The Advanced Issues section said I had things like a vulnerable Remote Desktop App and that my bank details were at risk (I don’t touch suspicious sites), Yet even after deleting the remote desktop app I still get flagged the issue, and have never been infected with malware on my current device I’ve gotten late last year.

The issues which normally appear were just 3, but are now 8 in total, Is this just a bug or am I missing something?

I’m guessing you ran a Smart Scan ?

Well you are missing something a screenshot of the Advanced Issues as we can’t see them.

However if this is in the last section of the Smart Scan (I really hate saying that word ’ Smart’), it may well be a weakness, which I’m sure Avast has a paid solution for ?

I rarely run any on-demand scan on my system, including the not so smart Scan:

  • With a resident (on-access) scanner the need for on-demand scans is much depreciated. For the most part dormant/inert files are being scanned, the other active files are going to be scanned by the resident shields when they are activated.

Yeah It’s a smart scan, I’ve attempted to attach some images of the Advanced Issues though as this is my first time use an old-fashioned forum, they might not appear for you.

Yes these are all technically correct, I’m sure Avast has a Paid solution to these ‘potential’ risks (click resolve to see them :slight_smile: ).

However even the Free version protects against much of this, in the form of the Mail Shield, Web Shield, Network, Firewall and Behaviour shields.

I still stand by my comment - With a resident (on-access) scanner the need for on-demand scans is much depreciated. For the most part dormant/inert files are being scanned, the other active files are going to be scanned by the resident shields when they are activated.

Thanks for letting me know, I’ll buy Premium Security when I have the spare money but I guess I’m safe at the moment.

I have been using Avast Free for 20 years and it has done me proud, I have never felt that I needed to upgrade. It has protected me well.

For me the price of free is trying to help other Avast users free or paid on the forum.