Suggestion for new version

I would like to suggest some new features for the upcoming version.

  1. Allow reporting of phishing/suspicious sites straight from avast UI.
  2. Allow the user to post additional information about that sites without a word limit.
  3. Remove the restriction for additional info about False positive/undetected virus (It is annoying that there is a limit)
  4. Add the ability to browse for a file when adding exclusion instead of just the folder.
  5. PLEASE PLEASE improve your engine. Look at Kaspersky and Bitdefender. They are among the top 3. Avast is not even among them.

Thanks. That is all.

for avast prevention is more important than detection…avast has top tier prevention against threats!!! :wink:

who says we arent on top…we are:

avast has come a long way through since version 4 or version 5…you just dont see it :wink:

When will people like you learn:
that no antivirus avast,Kaspersky,BD etc no antivirus is 100% in detection nor protection!!! >:( >:(

I was referring to AV Comparatives Real World Test

Look at the overall results starting from January to September 2012 and you will see that avast is not in the top 5. Those top 5 include kaspersky, Trendmicro, BD and BD clones.

You can even look at individual results for each month and you don’t see avast in the top 5.

Come on, how can a paid solution gets better detection than a free one? Show them that a free one can do just as good.

For your info : Kaspersky and BD have been very consistent this year at the top. Avast is just consistent from last year results.

Prevention = detecting known and unknown viruses/malwares and preventing the machine from being compromise.

Personally I think avast have performed very well and they are always looking to improve wherever they can without a doubt, you also have to look at there testing of avast free against full suite’s of paid products too.

I know they have been performing very well but they still cannot beat the top 2 (Kaspersky & BD) or be on par with them. Like I said, avast performance have been like stagnant (95%-97%) since last year. I would like to see them boost it up to 98% or 99% like what Kaspersky & BD have done. From what I observed Kaspersky & BD have been stagnant at about 98%-99% for about a year. Now that is something. If a paid solution can do it, I am sure a free one is also able to do it.

a test is a test… shadowserver is live… see he link true indian posted

or this daily stats

Will avast team take into consideration my suggestion or this post will be lost in the seas of post?

We dont know…it depends on how much people want these things…Avast! still performs damn well with 0-day malware and regular tests from mrg tests…check my links in previous posts here on this topic…please check the links pondus posted.
Avast! has over 165+ million users…more than any other antivirus…explains enough on how good avast is and why so many people use avast! :wink:

Also,dont you think there is something fishy with AV-C?? always promoting the top industries…I mean those results must change…Why is it constant only with top industries being promoted…Not to mention everyday the nature and amount of malware coming out changes…and I test AV’s regularly and everyday 1 is a loser and another winner…same goes with BD,KIS etc…I can show you a test in which avast 7 defeated BD and miles by miles…

BD left in ransomware in my tests…that avast blocked with signatures…KIS left in Zaccess…again which avast was neatly blocking it away.

Believe me …that test is flawed…always promoting Top industries…and btw trend wasnt even there on top so far…and immediately they come to top impossibe because trend AV is still useless and only Web blocking is good.

Believe the tests that show variations like MRG,shadowserver etc…I dont believe on AV-C

Detecting unknown threats…Hmm only heuristics can do that…and believe me that…No AV detects a lot if unknown threats…because heuristics or any other things cannot detect even 1% of the unknown malware Unless its a HIPS.

Also,do you remember flame…the unknown threat that went undetected for years…who caught it?? no one not even KIS.BD ;D
said enough…avast sandbox is damn effective right now with detecting a lot of nasty things atleast from my tests. :smiley:

Just be happy with what you have and dont watch tests and dont care about them…use it if it works for you and be careless about the others.

With more than 10000000 of malware coming out…dont expect any AV to score 99 to 90% … its not possible…its just over-exaggeration.

check the Shadowserver tests…toppers…even they show the same 90% crap…when its not possible…you can test against 1000000 of samples and still the test will not be accurate because of the influx of malware coming out everyday… :o

Google and research the threats coming out everyday:

So,Prevention: preventing a system from being infected from the malware that’s out there right now…the latest that come out today…does your AV detect them??? for your answer avast does keep its game on top from my tests.

There is a working improvement for your concern that does not require uninstalling avast!. I won’t post it because it goes againt common AV progam thinking. However, if you want to send me a personal message I will tell you what it is. :slight_smile: but I will not assume any responsibilities for the result. LOL Let me just say I have been using it for about two to three months and it works great for me :slight_smile:

Exactly,you can see avast! 6 wasnt doing well in MRG tests last year especially with 0-day…since avast! 7 we have come to the top. ;D

@true indian
avast do not have the most users. Why? I am guessing McAfee and Norton are the ones having plenty of users. Why? These 2 are OEM installer which by default when you buy a new PC, you are sure to find one or the either pre-installed. (Is annoying really) Judging from my friends, They just buy the subscription and be done with it. That is what happen to a lot of users in the world.

Ok, here goes. I don’t trust the results of MRG. Why? The 1st 2 product is always a Russian company. As for Trend, on wilders, they mention is only good for web blocking.

If AV-C is all about promoting, how is it that the top 5 are BD clones. Not BD but products which uses its engine?

Then on to Flame and Stuxnet, isn’t it Kaspersky was the first to find it becuase they were hire to check out some machines in the Middle East?

I know with that amount of malware, everyday 1 AV is a loser and another winner

By the way, I am Kaspersky and avast fan. Using both their products. So you can’t say I am bias. All I want is for avast to be at least on par with detection Kaspersky. My real world experience leans more towards Kaspersky due to the fact while browsing the web, Kaspersky detected some stuff heuristically. Not once but twice on different sites. I didn’t experience it but one of my family member did. I repeat the process with avast on both that sites, avast didn’t even ring a warning. In nterms of detection, both are good. Tested with a usb drive containing 50 infected files, avast and Kaspersky caught all. It was 3 infection but it infected 50 files in my USB drive.

In all, I am just asking for minor changes not like an addition of other bloat stuff.

maybe you just forget we have better detection for JS,PDF and Flash which seem to be main redirectors to malware…go ahead and look around the forum and you will find exclusive avast detections throughout here on the forum :wink:

Also,why only BD and KIS and their clones top all time…care to explain me that?? given the condition that malware changes daily and everyday a AV is a winner and another a loser…those big dogs must be paying more to AV-C To Promote them >:(

yours only 50 mine was against 373 infections…Where KIS failed on 1 of them…Yes,there is a room for improvement.But,just leave it to avast! team…have trust and faith in your AV and stay with self caution thats it!!! ;D