I have a suggestion it site to be more informative. In the area that shows to the new viruses and worms, you they could place beyond adware, to place which they are spywares, and others.
This site is a definite most informative site about Avast antivirus.
Don’t really understand what you are talking about?
New definitions added you can find here, but not really sure if they mean much to you:
A good general security site is:
Check the sticky there too to find when to update your security programs.
Yes, some people make personal sites about what programs they use and how to configure them. But they are personal sites and should not that info to be bothered in here.
I recommend you post these kind of words to some other forum, even avast ‘off topic’ is better!
The virus are classified already in the updates page. After the name you will see something like [trj], [wrm]. Where the word inside the is the type of virus. For adware they use adw, for spyware the use [trj] or spware-gen
The only thing avast! website did not update is the Latest Threats I believe, they mostly want to keep the antivirus up to date and stable more than the website which is really important. I say they’re working hard to find new viruses and making new ways for avast! to be more unique for their users.