Suggestions to improve avast!

I think that 1) avast! should download stats from malwaredomainlist and then add the URL’s to Network shield blocking list.

And then 2) there should be ability when avast! will block the website that will be showed big Website blocked like in ESET or G-Data and more…
See attachment for more info…

For future updates to Avast 6.XX and beyond. I would recommend:

1.) Web-Rep becomes a check-able web-box opt out option during installation. (With the box unchecked as default.)

2.) Auto Sandbox is set to Auto, not Ask, by default.

3.) License Keys are automatically activated upon install of the product and connecting to the Internet for a first time Avast user, or for any re-install. (Like MS Security Essentials.)


  1. the problem being for new users they won’t have a clue what the webrep is.

  2. I have been told that the Sandbox is set to Auto-Decide by default already if you did a clean install of avast 6.0.1000.

I keep It on “Ask”. But behav-shield on “Auto-Decide”

Yes that is your choice, but Avast set it up to auto-decide so that users aren’t going to be constantly bombarded with decisions to make. Most don’t want their security software to be too intrusive and take care of business.

Whilst those like you or I will set it to Ask as they want to know what is going on in their system and have control over it; that is why avast is so configurable to allow us to do that, whilst having non-intrusive default settings.