Support Ticket March 13 -- How Long Must I Wait For Help???

I am trying to renew Avast Premier. They are saying I have 3 PCs. Not true, only have 1 PC. Submitted a ticket on March 13th still have received NO HELP. It is a very frustrating company to work with as this is not the first time this has happened. Is this how everyone is treated or have I just done done something wrong. Should I not submit a ticket to get help in fixing an order? What is the procedure?

Thank you.

Hi Halso :slight_smile:

I can imagine this is very frustrating. Can you post your ticket number ?
Than I will try to get some attention to this.

Greetz, Red.

Thanks for your help, Red…

Ticket ID: #WBT-249-33387

Much appreciated. If I did this wrong, maybe they can at least tell me what I should do.

@Halso, it has been reported.

Thank you very much. Maybe I did something incorrectly, I don’t know, but I really appreciate the help! Many thanks!

You’re welcome :slight_smile: