From the avast! Web site: “The list of supported IM and P2P programs is extensive with more than 30 programs currently supported.”
Where can one find this list and how often is it updated?
Thank you!
From the avast! Web site: “The list of supported IM and P2P programs is extensive with more than 30 programs currently supported.”
Where can one find this list and how often is it updated?
Thank you!
This seems to be the most recent:
Yeah, I caught that. But that listing is, like, let’s see, divide by… carry the nine… invert the rpn… 17.85 and 3/4 cyber years old! ;D
There is a listing of supported programs within Avast, too. Double-click the Avast icon in the system tray, select the appropriate provider and click Customize.
Are you perhaps using the Enhanced User Interface in the paid version? Because all I see in there are the four providers and clicking customize opens the tabbed interface (pages) for setting the selected provider’s behavior.
The Enhanced/Simple User Interface doesn’t come into it when you left click the avast icon, you are using the ashDisp.exe GUI.
Do you see this image (see below), when you click the avast icon ?
If so click the Details … >> button that should show you all installed providers.
Did you do a custom install ?
Yes and yes.
The purpose of my posting this thread was to find out where/how I could find out what the “30 programs currently supported” are because I have learned Pidgin is not supported. I am not having a problem navigating Avast!'s controls and feature sets. My issue(s) involve providers for apps installed on my system that are NOT available. These are the subjects of other threads I posted up.
BTW, I’ve discovered the list of “30 programs currently supported” can be found in the Help file… after the app is installed. :
I did do a custom install but merely to uncheck skins and the bat.
Thank you.
Oops, seems the bat has no check box. Earlier when I quickly read that setup screen, I wrongly interpreted that as an “unchecked.” My DUH!
If you see that image, clicking the Details buton will expand on that so you can see individual Providers, here you can select the Instant Messenger (or other providers) and Customize their settings, it is at that point you would see the supported IM applications.
See image, example shows the Web Shield selected.
The Bat is only available if you have it (the program itself) installed before.
Who said it was 30 programs?
Yes, I only see 19 in the actual Instant Messenger Shield, Customize.
While I didn’t actually look at the site info, the quote in the original posting sounds like 30 is the combined total of IM plus P2P apps.
While I didn’t actually look at the site info, the quote in the original posting sounds like 30 is the combined total of IM plus P2P apps.
Oh, I see.