Suscripción a Avast

Tengo un problema con el antivirus, después de recibir un correo donde me indica que la protección de Avast ha sido renovada correctamente , y tras haber pagado 69,99, transcurrido un mes me indican que estoy desprotegida.
El número de pedido y contraseña facilitado por ustedes me indica error.

This is a English forum.

I am sorry.

I have a problem with the antivirus, after receiving an email where it tells me that the Avast protection has been renewed correctly, and after having paid 69.99 euros, after a month I am told I am unprotected.
The order number and password provided by you indicates an error.

First try the avast repair and see if that resolves the problem. Control Panel > Programs & Features > Avast - Uninstall/Change select Change and Repair from the next Window.

You may find it easier in the Spanish sub-forum

Primero pruebe la reparación de avast y compruebe si resuelve el problema. Panel de control> Programas y funciones > Avast - Desinstalar/Cambiar seleccione Cambiar y reparar desde la siguiente ventana.

Puede que sea más fácil en el sub-foro español

If the repair doesn’t solve it.

Download your license file and try to apply it. or through

If that doesn’t solve it, perform a clean installation of avast and try again.

Thanks. I’ll try.

It is a really bad idea to post your email on a public webboard.
Spammers will harvest and use it.

Renewing a subscription has nothing to do with upgrading.

If you want help, start your own thread in the correct forum and provide details.