Symantec provides hiding place for hackers

Yep, Symantic is using something like a rootkit! Read about it here: >:(

Lower and lower they sink …

Maybe I can’t understant something, but it seems they just repaired one security hole in their software, nothing more. Maybe I’m wrong… But I know one thing for sure - Norton products aren’t the best solution available, it’s just old name. And lot of users still pay for name only. :wink:

I think this is more down to the author’s poor choice of an example which is nothing like the security issue Symantec was closing.

Symantec's alert has echoes of Sony BMG Music Entertainment's recent PC security fiasco. The record label was found to be shipping copy-protected compact discs that planted so-called rootkit software on the computers that played them. The rootkit technology also offered a hiding place for malicious software.

A hidden folder is no where close to having a rootkit program to stealth files.

I agree with David there, a poor example there with the rootkit.A hidden folder and a rootkit are two different things.

Ylap my friend if you can tell me of a better and more reliable way to make backups other than with Norton Ghost i would be happy to hear it… :wink:



rootkit or ‘rootkit’? Rootkit or ‘rootkit-style’?

Symantec has updated its popular Norton SystemWorks security suite this week following the discovery of a security bug that creates a possible means for hackers to hide computer viruses on infected systems. A design error in SystemWorks means files within the NProtect directory of the Norton Protected Recycle Bin are hidden from Windows APIs.

Either way, some reports say malware writers can use it to hide malware:

Because of this client-based virus scanning software might be unable to spot malicious or virus-infected files placed in the directory.

Exactly, not all Symantec products are bad. Ghost is most reliable backing-up utility ever made. Everyone can say whatever they want, Ghost never ever gave any single problem and I do my backups on regular basis… every single Friday, 5 PM, and I always keep my last 3 backups for months (just in case).

Seriously, I’ve tried many other things, but Ghost sticked in here like a glue.

Another good thing is Symantec antivirus for example… of course no one will say anything nice about it in here, although it’s not one of the best, but still it’s much better than Norton antivirus (also by Symantec).

Symantec antivirus I think is just a graphically reduced version of Norton antivirus.