Hi…can anyone help me please? I’m new to Avast. I’ve downloaded it and am going through the rules section. Most seem fine or can be looked up, but I have a really weird app in the list called ‘System’ with an icon that doesn’t look right, writing in Chinese (I think) and no file pathway listed. So it looks bad to me. Any thoughts or ideas? Thanks
writing in ChineseAnd if you copy that and Google search it / Google translate it
Oh that’s a good idea, thanks. I did it but comes up with letters and words I don’t understand. It is definitely not supposed to be on my Windows PC I don’t think:
‘Last Jing Mou Li Jin Shi Tong n’
Well, lots if stuff inside computers are made in china
You may run a scan with Malwarebytes and Malwarebytes Adwcleaner
Is this related to the Firewall, out of curiosity?