System has to reboot?


i use avast 4 home now for some months but now i have a problem:
the day before yesterday avast updated automaticly and then popup´ed: “you have to restart windows” or something. ok, that´s normal with avast when it updates its program, but since then, when i restart or boot up, avast says after every booting that i have to restart my windows. this is very annoying!

in my autostart avast is called this way (as installed automaticly):

avast versions:
build 4.6.744
xtreme toolkit version
active skin version
vps version 0601-2 / 05.01.2006

windows version:
win xp professional (german)

i tried to resolve the problem this way:
deinstall avast, boot, let regcleaner 4.3 clean my registry, boot again and reinstall avast home… → same problem.

any hints about that problem?
thanks in advance


Better that to use regcleaner, why don’t you try avast uninstall tool to remove all files and registry keys?
First, uninstall it through Control Panel, boot, use avast uninstall tool, boot, install again.

thank you tech for your posting,

but as you can read obove, i DID deinstall avast using the normal deinstallation routine.

i used regcleaner (after the 3rd reboot or so) only to clean my registry after the normal avast-deinstallation because i thought that some unwanted code in the win registry let avast want to reboot every windows start.

I’ve read it at first time and took into consideration…

RegCleaner is not the same as avast uninstall tool. It’s a generic tool for Registry cleaning, not a panacea.

With avast installed, operating system restart needed could be solved, in some systems, by deleting the file \setup\reboot.txt