Last week I downloaded your program to rid my system of a virus and LOVE it and would like to purchase it…
However…I have found it has slowed down my Flight Simulator Program signifigantly. I tried pausing all the scanners but still no luck; there are still processes which remain running and slow my processing speeds.
I then decided to uninstall your program and all was fine with my system again as far as processing speed.
Anything I can do to keep your product installed and keep my processing speeds up?
Welcome to the forum. Just a quick mention. It is also helpful if you mention your other security programs such as Norton for example. Prior to installing Avast! did you uninstall them? (and what method did you use?)
I had MalwareBytes (Or something like that) but uninstalled it. I believe the base of my problem are a couple Avast processes (Unfortuantely, I can’t name them right now) which remain running even while Avast is paused. I tried to pause / end these processes, but wasn’t permitted to. Again, once I uninstalled Avast and these processes were removed, all was well again.