
Unfortunatly Avast 4 pro are totaly blocking my backup-program TapeWare 7 and possibly the open filemanager to.
It just won’t run (does not start even manualy, clicking the icon) as long as Avast is running.
If Avast is running and I try start Tapeware the whole pc locks up. Reset is only option.
Can you exclude program from Avast? ???

Hmm, too bad. Could you tell me what OS are you using? What open file manager do they use - don’t you know? Some proprietary, or a third party one?


Open file manager is apparently a trademark of St. Bernard Software, and its version 8.0.
I solved the problem by stopping the resident scanner permanently. At least I got my mail scanned (Outlook 2000)
and the script blocking function. Which is all right. I run XP pro by the way.

Regards /demo

I know some guys in St Bernard Software.
I’ll contact them to find a working solution for you. :wink:


Hi again Vlk,

I got my full version of the OFM today and… it’s the same (I was running a 30 day’s demo before). After some additional testing I came up with the following,
If I have started the OFM service the computer will lock up after just clicking the
TapeWare icon on the desktop.
The twadmin.exe starts to run but it just can’t “surface”.

Stopping the service and the TapeWare administrator dialogue box comes up as normal.
Got to be the OFM that causes the trouble not the TapeWare in other words.
And it’s the “service” thing that causes the problem.

Question is what files to exclude in Avast or in the OFM to make it work?
Any ideas?

Regards /demo

I e-mailed the guys at St. Bernard (they’re based in San Diego, California) - let’s see how they can help… I hope they’ll remember me - we met for a couple of times in the MS campus in Redmond. :slight_smile:
