Task icon


First of all, sorry for my English: I’m a francophone! I have a problem with the Avast task icon. It is grey and not blue. When I click on it, it say to me: 7 services, 6 in execution. I think the problem is the Outlook part, but I don’t know. Someone can help me?

Does the computer is protected with a grey task icon?


  • Windows XP Pro
  • Avast 4.7 Home Edition
  • VPS 000783-3
  • Intel Pentium III, 937 MHz, 256 Mo de RAM
  • I don’t have email system.
  • I don’t have another security system.
  • Internet connexion: modem 56K

Thank you!

Pour les francophones, je traduis. L’icone d’Avast dans la barre de tâche n’est jamais bleu. Il reste gris tout le temps. Lorsque que je place ma flèche dessus, ça me dit qu’il y a 7 services et que 6 sont en exécution. Je crois que celui qui me cause problème est celui d’Outlook qui se place en attente, mais même si je le désactive, ça ne change rien. J’aimerais savoir quoi faire pour avoir l’icone bleu.


The avast system tray icon isn’t a bright Royal Blue and has a 3d style shading that makes it look more Blue Grey and this is further effected by things like, background colour, graphics settings and monitor.

So long as it rotates when files are scanned and there is no red circle and bar across the icon it is probably functioning correctly.

Unless you are using the MS Outlook (not outlook express), then the Outlook/Exchange provider won’t be enabled, so that gives 6 running out of a possible 7. You can possibly terminate others if you don’t use any of the software they support, like Peer 2 Peer (file sharing) or Instant Messaging software then you could terminate the P2P Shield and the Instant Messaging providers.