Hello i’ve monitored my windows 7 x64 bootup by Process Monitor app https://technet.microsoft.com/it-it/sysinternals/bb896645.aspx
This app discovered that Avast Free v10.3.2225 create at every system boot or user disconnect/reconnect some temporary files that dont be deleted in “C:\Users(username)\AppData\Local\Temp” folder.
Those file are named “app****.tmp-shm” and haves around 32 Kb of disk space.
Please fix this behavior because i don’t want to clear this folder every day.
Thanks for your attention, and sorry for my bad english.
have you tried avast repair to see if that changes anything?
No, because seems to be that Avast works well. Do i have to do it?
I have founded this option in windows add/remove programs, but it says also that my settings will be reverted to default, and this isn’t good. I have also to say that this strange tmp file creation as appened recently, some week ago i havent never seen those files in tmp folder
I have also noticed those .tmp-shm files appearing and have confirmed that 2 such files are created by Avast at every boot, and they are not deleted on reboot or shutdown, they just keep amassing there, two by two, each boot.
Reinstallation doesn’t help. This behavior has happened since installing the last version 10.3.2225.
Is there any more information about this weird behavior?
Good to know, at least i dont are the only one.
I hope that some dev are working to fix this, or i have to switch to another antivirus solution. I turn on my pc 3/4 times/day and those files are becoming boring me. I dont want my temp folder growing with useless files, at now it’s the only software in my pc that wrote and dont autodelete files in this folder.
Would you please be able to provide the Process Monitor log - or at least the stack of the call that created the file (Process Monitor should have it)?
Those files don’t ring any bells, and when I search both sources and binary files of Avast for similar texts, there are no hits (and of course no such files are created for me). Might be connected with another installed tool, for example… but the stack of the call should help.
Here it is. Change extension in RAR: it’s one archive. There are 2 logs, one in CSV format and one in proprietary PML format.
You may have to do this as uncompressed files, changing the file extension to .log usually results in it being saved as a text file and this corrupts the file. When you try to open it after changing the file type to .rar, you get an error when trying to unpack it.
I used 7.zip to open the .rar archive and got the usual error - Can not open file’location\filename.rar’
I have just now downloaded the attachment, renamed .log extension in .rar and decompressed with winrar without any sort of problems, so isn’t my fault.
I think that we will have to see if Igor has any issues.
The only reason I mentioned it as we have seen this lots in the past when the file type has been changed to get round the limitation of the forum software only accepting text file extensions. Of course we have had the forum software updated, so I don’t know if that would have an effect.
one more post with the same problem:
Got the log, thanks.
The stacks are rather deep (so incomplete), but it seems to have something to do with Avast using an updated SQlite library. We’ll check what the problem is and try to fix it, of course.
Got the log, thanks.
The stacks are rather deep (so incomplete), but it seems to have something to do with Avast using an updated SQlite library. We’ll check what the problem is and try to fix it, of course.
Ok very thanks for your work. I use Avast from many years, and i like to collaborate for this excellent AV software.
How is it now (let’s say from today on)… is it any better? We tried to do a small change in SQlite usage.
How is it now (let’s say from today on)… is it any better? We tried to do a small change in SQlite usage.
Hello, i have just now rebooted my pc, and seems to be that those changes makes sense. This is awesome, very thanks for the support!
This problem appeared again. After reboot AIS creates 1 zero-size file appXXXX.tmp in the temporary files folder.
Oh well… I’ll check it. Sorry about that.
hello i’m on win 7 x64, avast free 18.8.2356
seems to be that this problem reappear again, i have a lot of app****.tmp-shm in the windows temp folder. some of those are created when i open the main gui of avast
Yes, it`s appeared again. After antivirus base update.
so? someone takes care of this bug, or?