I’m new here, and I have few questions about security:
I heard that prior any software installation it is recommended to disable all running programs running in the background (including Antivirus), in order to install programs, games, and drivers successfully, without mistakes. But some people says that it’s optional. So, for example, if i’m installing software (like Skype, which downloads Setup Files directly from internet) or updating software via built-in updater, it is safe to install/update software when antivirus protection is temporarily disabled (I mean, can any malware enter into my PC from internet in this way, during software installation/update process)? Or it is just a myth … ? I noticed that many programs, games recommends temporarily to turn off antivirus protection during the installation process (in documentations)…
… And a second question: can I run Avast Antivirus together with Windows Defender at the same time? I always run them both, but friend said that I need to turn off Windows Defender, because there can be issues running them both.
Thanks in advance (and sorry for my poor English).
I have never found it necessary to disable Avast for any software installation. Even when installing a service pack from MS, Avast did not cause a problem.
This can sometimes be a problem with other AV’s, sometimes. I had to fix a friends computer, running Norton360, that had completely ruined a service pack install. I’ve heard of others.
When installing software, especially from the web, I would absolutely recommend leaving the antivirus ON, as that is one time that you do want to be protected.
I don’t use Defender, but know of no problems running WD with Avast.
Another example - if i use Skype when Antivirus is disabled, and if I do nothing on Skype (not sending/receiving messages or file transfers), just while I’m Online, can I get a worm, or can somebody hack into PC? I mean, when Skype uses ports for connection, can something enter into PC through that opened ports? ← It’s just a question, because I personally allways use AV.
Ok, I understand. But for example, if I have no malware on PC (PC is 100% clean), and I’m online with Skype (just Online, doing nothing), and in Windows Firewall I choose an option “Block all incoming connections, including those in the list of allowed programs”. I think that then all ports should be stealthed, and “Bot Scanners” or Worms should’nt compromise Skype connection and enter inside PC. What then? Malware still can bypass the barrier?
Sure they can. Unless you’re completely turning off port 80 too. Just because all of your ports are closed (except of course for HTTP (port 80)), any site you visit could possibly run a script and infect your computer, either through your browser or through the skype application. I don’t use skype, but I’m pretty sure it has a “chat” function that allows IM’s to be sent, right? Well, those use port 80, and a website could be sent through that interface. If you click it, you could be infected.
I’ve never posted before, so if I’m doing something wrong, please forgive and bear with me. because for the life of me, I can’t find a way to just ask a question on this board except by replying to a question.
My question is how, and can I, disable Avast TEMPORARILY in order to use a program that requires the antivirus be disabled while it is being used? If so, how do I do it, or do I have to uninstall it and then reinstall Avast again after I run the program?
I do not want to uninstall. I need to run “Atomic Email Verifyer”, and it requires the antivirus be disabled, as well as pot 25 and 53 be opened in the firewall. The ports I have opened, but Avast has me stumped. This is all greek to me, and I am doing my very best to learn. So can one of you computer literate Avasters PLEASE tell me what to do and how to do it?
I’ll be in your debt FOREVER.
Thank you so VERY much.
Gene eugenenbell@yahoo.com
Well… you’re exposing your email to spammers. You could change both your login name and the email posted there.
Second, any, I say, any, good application requires the antivirus to be off. Forget it, let it on all the time.
I’ve Google a little about Atomic Email Verifyer… I can’t imagine a reason to disable the antivirus.
Thank you so VERY much. I’ll give it a shot, and if it gives me any grief, I’ll just use another program.
You are a Gentleperson and a Scholar, Sir or Madam.