Temporarily switching off antivirus software

Hi there,
I’m new here, but have used Avast for quite a few years. At present I have the business edition. I need to switch it off temporarily in order to install some new software. It offers an option to do that. What I want to know is whether it can be as easily switch on again. (I suppose I won’t know that until I’ve switched it off, but I wondered if anyone else had needed to do this.) :-\

what sort of software needs Avast disabled to be installed ??? … and no, I never needed to switch off an AV to install anything. If you really want to do that just turn the file system shield off (Avast 5) or the standard shield (Avast 4), turn them back on when you’re done, no big deal.

Thank you. I will do as you suggest. The software is Nikon camera and there instructions are quite explicit ,‘Turn off an virus-checking software’.

The best thing you can do is to ignore those “instructions”. It doesn’t make any sense and is dangerous. (I mean, if I were a malware author, I would certainly include such instructions with my virus.)